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Edgy fauna survey, spa and salon

Published 10 Nov 2020 by Claire Mason (volunteer)

It has been a dream come true to spend the last two weeks helping with the spring fauna survey at Bush Heritage’s Edgbaston reserve.

I’m resting in the shade of the old, tin shearing shed, like the roos under the trees nearby, with some gusty afternoon breezes keeping it balmy, the sun beating down outside and a 360 degree view of vast open land. How lucky am I?!

Most of my field work over the last few years has been on the wet, windy, and VERY cold, offshore islands of Tasmania, so it was a shock to the system to be roasting in the dry, dusty heat of the outback.

But I’m a Queensland girl at heart and this is some of my favourite country on the planet!

The company was as delightful as the landscape. It was a pleasure to meet and work with enthusiastic Maddie who has studied the endangered fish of Edgbaston for the last year. And to see the famous Pippa Kern in action, 4wd-driving over seemingly impassable clay pans, fixing broken pumps, and wrangling desert herps and mammals. And not least, spend time and learn from my good friend Gab and her boundless knowledge of this landscape and flora! I was so inspired and impressed by this dream team of practical, skilled ecologists.

And boy did we get the job done! Over eight busy nights of trapping, spotlighting and vegetation surveying (special mention to the hardworking and lovable birdlife volunteers, Kath, Dave, Bill and Pippy who recorded hundreds of birds on the property and also Reserve Manager Rowan who came out to experience the magic for a few days) we were able to observe ecosystems in action.

Every day our traps were full of geckoes, skinks, frogs, snakes, spiders, centipedes, ants, and sometimes, a dunnart or desert mouse!

Our species list was huge – 43 species were recorded! Some notable observations included the gorgeous Velvet Geckoes (Oedura cincta), big chunky Gehyra dubia, and some other special gecko species: Rhychoedura mentalis, Diplodactylus platyurus and D. tessellutus, Lucasium steindachneri and Strophurus williamsi and of course cute little Heteronotia binoei.

We also saw two species of planigale and some cool burrowing frogs Cyclorana sp. and six species of snake – King Brown/Mulga Snake, Eastern Brown Snake, Orange-naped snake, Mud Adder, Night Tiger and Curl Snake.

One big highlight for me was getting to experience the ridgy didge Edgy day spa and salon, where we made use of the (potentially heritage listed?) shears (for one ceremonial blunt cut) to cut off my long golden locks!

The Edgy spa treatment also included a claypan-activated face mask, a deluxe pedicure in the Big Spring with Gambusia tending to my tired feet, a plunge pool for a picturesque dip and sunbake, and a blissful outdoor shower at sunset with Great Artesian Basin spring water (and coffee grounds exfoliation treatment) while watching the majestic Brolgas fly overhead.

I’m leaving Edgbaston a new woman!

The dream team behind the survey. The dream team behind the survey.
A Stripe-faced Dunnart. A Stripe-faced Dunnart.
A Desert Mouse. A Desert Mouse.
A Narrow-nosed Planigale. A Narrow-nosed Planigale.
A Fat-tailed Gecko. A Fat-tailed Gecko.
A Box-patterned Geckko. A Box-patterned Geckko.
An Orange-naped Snake An Orange-naped Snake
We made use of the (potentially heritage listed?) shears to cut off my long golden locks! We made use of the (potentially heritage listed?) shears to cut off my long golden locks!

Stories from Edgbaston

Red-finned Blue-eye. Photo Calumn Hockey.

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Edgy fauna survey, spa and salon

It has been a dream come true to spend the last two weeks helping with the spring fauna survey at Edgbaston reserve. I’m resting in the shade of the old, tin shearing shed, like the roos under the trees nearby, with some gusty afternoon breezes keeping it balmy, the sun beating down outside and a 360 degree view of vast open land. How lucky am I?!

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Studying the weird, whacky and wonderful

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BLOG 22/07/2020

A fire management first

Set between the harsh, arid desert uplands and escarpment of the Aramac range and the fertile black soil plains to the south, Edgbaston Reserve is a truly unique and diverse area. Last week Bush Heritage staff began its program of fire management activities on Edgbaston for the first time since purchase of this property.

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BLOG 29/04/2020

Rain at Edgbaston

Travelling through outback Queensland after rainfall is cause for excitement. Semi-arid Australia transforms as the seedbank germinates, floodwaters permeate through Country, and wildlife breeds/disperses while water and vegetation is abundant. Edgbaston Reserve recently provided us an opportunity to witness this transformation in all its glory.

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Getting ecological at Edgy

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Women working hard for conservation

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Museums of evolution

The artesian springs on Edgbaston Reserve are strongholds for ancient life, such as the world’s only population of the Red-finned Blue-eye fish. Thanks to a three-part conservation approach, their numbers are beginning to recover.

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BLOG 02/05/2019

Meeting a Mulga Snake

At Edgbaston Ecologist Pippa Kern demonstrates how snakes are more concerned with escaping and hiding than biting people by watching calmly as a released King Brown slithers past her feet. Snakes are wonderful creatures. Respect.

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BLOG 15/03/2019

How Red-finned Blue-eyes evolved

The Red-finned Blue-eye fish is remarkable for being found in just one small group of artesian springs on Edgbaston Reserve in central Queensland. But how did it get there?

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BLOG 18/01/2019

Volunteering at Edgbaston

Coming from mainly a plant ecology background, it was great to have the opportunity to help out on the recent trapping survey at Edgbaston reserve. We started off the week with digging pitfalls traps. This was a relatively new experience for me and I can confirm its pretty hard work in the high 30˚C heat!

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A holiday with a difference

Hard working volunteers, Ann and Frank Ingwersen share their observations and images from a recent round trip to Edgbaston and Pullen Pullen Reserves in Western Queensland.

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BLOG 10/08/2018

The arrival of baby blue-eyes!

This year Edgbaston has been humming with activity, as we implement the ambitious plan to recreate artesian spring habitat in order to breed the critically endangered Red-finned Blue-eye fish. And we've had an early success!

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BLOG 18/04/2018

Artificial springs at Edgbaston

Out at Edgbaston Reserve we've been busy getting our artificial springs up and running in preparation for the introduction of the critically endangered Red-finned Blue-eye. This has involved plumbing our new bore to three artificial springs, introducing artesian spring vegetation and invertebrates to create wetlands that replicate natural habitat.

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BLOG 23/02/2018

New threatened species at Edgbaston

As the new freshwater ecologist at Edgbaston reserve, I have been spending some time exploring the incredible spring complex. Recently I stumbled across an exciting visitor - an Australian Painted Snipe!

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BLOG 06/12/2017

Saving water to save a species

A new hole we just drilled at Edgbaston is not boring at all. In fact, it's a new artesian bore and we're very excited about it. It'll replace the old one, which has a cracked head and is wasting precious water.

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BLOG 19/03/2017

Gambusia spread after heavy rains

Rain events and flooding at Edgbaston Reserve allow many species to move between the springs. Unfortunately this is how the small feral pest fish Gambusia (Gambusia hollbrooki) invades precious Red-finned Blue-eye habitat. Freshwater Ecologist Rob Wager and volunteer ecologist Christina Kindermann were fortunate to be able to monitor a rainfall event and the dispersal of Gambusia.

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BLOG 14/03/2017

Stumbling onto a Brolga nest

Right behind me something crashed through the spinifex and squawked in a harsh guttural croaking sort of way. I jumped and ran. There was no thought of fight - I thought I was about to be consumed by frogzilla!

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BLOG 13/03/2017

Plum-headed Finches at Edgbaston

Have you ever seen thousands of Plum-headed Finches in one place? Freshwater Ecologist Rob Wager has been watching numbers of this species increase at Edgbaston Reserve.

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BLOG 15/06/2016

Reptile encounters at Edgbaston

Edgbaston Reserve is known for its endangered fish, plants and snails living in the artesian springs. It's also home to a variety of reptiles that make you stop what you're doing until they've moved along. In my recent visits to Edgbaston as a volunteer, I've had a couple of encounters with some pretty cool reptiles.

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BLOG 12/05/2016

Swags, snails & sunrises for the iROOS

In this post, University of Queensland student, John McLaughlin, shares some of the highlights of a recent iROOS trip to Edgbaston Reserve and explains why it's so important to leave the lecture theatre behind for a while and head bush to experience 'real life' conservation work.

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BLOG 22/04/2015

Water works on Edgbaston

We're fortunate to have recently had Dr Ken Tinley volunteer his time on Edgbaston to give advice on measures to repair and restore problematic aspects of the catchment's run off that were causing problems for the endangered red-fin blue-eye fish.

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BLOG 30/03/2015

Edgbaston’s hidden charms

As part of my doctoral research I've spent a lot of time on Bush Heritage Australia's Edgbaston Reserve. I've guided a lot of people through its plains and pockets with an expectant gaze to the faces of my visitors, looking for a reflection of the excitement I feel, but am always shocked when the sentiment expressed is 'underwhelmed'. So, for my first blog post I wanted to share three tips to help one understand why I think Edgbaston is the jewel of Bush Heritage's Queensland crown.

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