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Let me tell you about Bon Bon

Published 13 Jul 2022 by Karen Lawrence

Not the Bon Bon where great science is done, or the Bon Bon where managers and field officers work tirelessly to help repair and maintain ecosystems, but the Bon Bon whose heart beats with the rhythm of the plants and the animals who live here. The Bon Bon whose voice calls out to her native people and the Bon Bon I am privileged enough to call home.

My husband, Wayne, and I have been at Bon Bon for 8 short months. I say short because it has not given her enough time to trust us completely with her secrets, not enough time to know how she works and what she wants from us, but enough time to feel her gratitude as Bush Heritage works to restore her to all she can be.

As you approach her from the Stuart Hwy you pass the signs and the grid that say you are now entering Bon Bon station. You come to a rise, where she stretches out in front of you.

Her colours range from deep red, to green and blue as the vegetation spreads as far as you can see.

The road continues until the Mt Eba signs guides you off the road onto the dirt. Again, you see the changing landscape as red sand, blue bush and Mulga speed past your windscreen.

When you arrive at the gates, the homestead appears before you, its runcible buildings centred around a common courtyard. An eclectic mix of building eras, bush ingenuity and modern progress as turn of the century building are powered by 21st century solar panels.

Seasons change as summer dust storms and scorched desert earth break into flooding rains that make Bon Bon spring into life.

Seeds erupt into new bushes and shrubs creating green carpets and swamps and waterways invite visiting water birds. Sturt's Desert Pea creeps its way across tracks and paths, the cheery flower heads waiting for your admiration.

In winter the temperature drops to below zero and the morning sun evaporates the dew on the ground, shrouding her in mist before the sun dries the air, leaving droplets of water falling from the tin rooves and the leaves.

The days at Bon Bon start with filtering light passing through the Mulga, creating rays across the sand. The sun slowly rises lighting up my kitchen and illuminating the steam from my cup of tea. The Chiming Wedgebill calls out to let me know that he, too, is here and ready to start the day.

Working in the field Bon Bon slowly reveals her treasures to me as I drive the Hilux through some of the most beautiful and varied country on earth. Freshwater lakes, stands of tea trees and plains of gibber peek from the next corner as the track winds its way through the landscape.

Kangaroos look at you with a sense of intrusion and Budgerigars, Cockatiels and White Browed Babblers flick in and out of vision.

At the end of the day the sun does its magic again and long shadows and golden hues cover the land and make a mockery of any photo you try to take.

You need to stop and inhale the silence, each breath taking you further into a resting heartbeat and your muscles relax and your blood pressure comes down. What accessible magic is this that eludes so many?

By the time I reach my friendly cottage the sky is stained red and the Wedegbill again heralds time for rest.

Good night Bon Bon. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

The gates to Bon Bon Station Reserve. The gates to Bon Bon Station Reserve.
A misty winter's morning. A misty winter's morning.
The landscape colours grab your attention travelling down Orwells track. The landscape colours grab your attention travelling down Orwells track.
Storm clouds gather. Storm clouds gather.
Sturt's Desert Pea (Swainsona formosa). Sturt's Desert Pea (Swainsona formosa).
An amazing sunset at the end of the day. An amazing sunset at the end of the day.
The last light over the track. The last light over the track.

Stories from Bon Bon

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Reduce, reuse, recycle this World Environment Day

For people living in cities and towns, rubbish removal is one of the many conveniences of life that we take for granted. We pop waste in our various bins and then wheel the bins out onto the road for the council trucks to pick up. But what about those who live remotely?

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BLOG 13/07/2022

Bat monitoring in revegetation

Wayne and I have been at Bon Bon for 8 short months. I say short because it has not given her enough time to trust us completely with her secrets, not enough time to know how she works and what she wants from us, but enough time to feel her gratitude as Bush Heritage works to restore her to all she can be.

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BLOG 28/03/2022

Just a load of rubbish... or is it?

Having come from a comfortable suburb with all the conveniences I took a lot of services for granted, including rubbish removal. Now we are living on reserve, things are not quite so easy. What is brought in reserve stays on reserve to be re-used, unless we can find another way to remove it.

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BLOG 22/03/2022

Six new bee species from Bon Bon

A bee survey conducted in 2010 has yielded six new bee species. Identification isn’t always easy: there are 1650 described bee species, with keys to only half of them. For species not in keys, the only avenue is to compare them with type specimens in collections.

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BLOG 04/03/2022

A Bon Bon weather report

We always talk about the weather, and lately there’s been a lot of it to talk about. In South Australia there have been significant rainfall events over most of the state’s arid lands. At Bon Bon we’ve had over 60 mm of rain over two weeks, which has changed the landscape in so many ways.

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BLOG 21/02/2022

What’s in a wombat scat & why does it matter?

Bon Bon Station Reserve is home to what is believed to be the northern most population of Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats. This population also holds the distinction of existing in one of the lowest rainfall zones across the species’ distribution, recording an average of just 150 mm annually.

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BLOG 18/02/2022

Grass, grass & more grass

While dust storms have been a regular occurrence across much of Australia's rangelands, at Bon Bon cryptogams are replacing heavily impacted bare soil and perennial grasses are coming back.

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BLOG 12/11/2021

The devastating impact of rabbits

The Conversation recently published an article about the devastating impact that rabbits have had and continue to exert on Australia plants, wildlife and landscapes.

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BLOG 11/06/2021

Monitoring vegetation cover remotely

I'm completing my PhD with the Spatial Sciences Group in the School of Biological Sciences at The University of Adelaide in collaboration with Bush Heritage Australia. My research will be conducted at Bush Heritage’s Bon Bon and Boolcoomatta reserves in South Australian.

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BLOG 03/12/2020

Living in the Woomera Prohibited Area

In the past four-and-a-half years living on Bon Bon Reserve, we've had to evacuate for rocket launches, live firing trials and now the return and landing of the Hayabusa II – a Japanese spacecraft carrying the Sample Return Capsule from the asteroid Ryugu!

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BLOG 24/11/2020

Signs of post-drought recovery on Bon Bon

One of the most anticipated events on the calendar for our South Australian reserves is small vertebrate trapping. These surveys provide the opportunity to eyeball some of the lesser encountered critters that roam through our landscapes. This year on Bon Bon, after two years of drought we've finally had decent rainfall so we were all excited by what the surveys might find.

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Sunset at Bon Bon Station Reserve. Photo Paul Bateman.

BUSHTRACKS 25/09/2020

Surprising centipedes

How a fox stomach containing 63 centipedes could hold the key to understanding the effectiveness of feral predator management.

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BLOG 07/07/2020

Counting bunnies

European Rabbits have a high impact on our conservation targets at Bon Bon. They compete with native herbivores for resources, supress native vegetation and provide a reliable food source for foxes and cats.

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BLOG 27/04/2020

Scats used to find what was on the menu

Eleven fox scats collected on Bon Bon Station Reserve by our South Australian Arid Rangelands Ecologist Graeme Finlayson late last year were sent away for analysis to get a better picture of what is on the menu at the reserve.

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BLOG 02/03/2020

My fauna trapping experience

This year I was lucky enough to be accepted as a volunteer for the annual fauna trapping on Bon Bon Station Reserve. I'm a member of the 'Newcastle cluster' of Bush Heritage supporters – a small but keen group prepared to travel great distances to volunteer. So it was with great excitement that we set off on the long trek to Bon Bon in November.

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BUSHTRACKS 22/03/2019

Battle for the bite sized

A landmark restoration project on Bon Bon is helping native species to bounce back.

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BLOG 25/01/2019

You had me at gecko!

I volunteered at Bon Bon over Christmas and after my jobs were done around the homestead, my husband and I would take off with our head torch, camera, water and GPS and we wandered along the sandy tracks, in search of one of my favourite reptiles - geckos.

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BLOG 26/09/2018

Wombats through time and space

My early days as a wildlife ecologist were spent driving around spotlighting on the back of a ute in the Murraylands of South Australia, chasing down Southern Hairy-nosed Wombats to learn what we could about this iconic Australian species. For me it was a life-shaping experience.

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BUSHTRACKS 10/09/2018

My Happy Place (Kate Taylor)

Sitting under this Western Myall and looking out over the salt lake is one of my favourite spots to stop for lunch and is luckily exactly the halfway mark when I do my rounds, checking the camera monitoring grid on Bon Bon Station Reserve.

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BLOG 15/08/2018

10 years at Bon Bon Station Reserve

Bon Bon is within the traditional lands of the Antakirinja Matu-Yankunytjatjara community and this year marks 10 years since Bush Heritage Australia acquired the Bon Bon Station pastoral lease.

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BLOG 01/02/2018

The mystery songster

I work in the Bush Heritage Melbourne office but for 3 weeks of January, along with my colleague Paul Young, I took up a caretaking role at Bon Bon Station Reserve in northern South Australia. Besides continuing with the work we normally do at the Melbourne office, we took on caretaking tasks around the reserve. Caretaking at Bon Bon Reserve could not have been more fun for a couple of novice birdos.

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BLOG 09/12/2017

Fauna surveys that rock your senses!

Is there such a thing as having too much fun in conservation work? We don't think so ... We had it ALL last week during the reptile and small mammal survey event on Bon Bon Station Reserve.

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BLOG 10/08/2017

Processionary caterpillars

Kate Taylor and husband Clint live on and manage our Bon Bon Reserve (SA). She recently noticed these creepy and dangerous sacks - home to Processionary Catepillars (Ochrogaster lunifer).

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BLOG 24/07/2017

The caretaking experience of a lifetime

When the chance presented itself to caretake Bon Bon Station Reserve, Michael ​Uhrig jumped at the opportunity. He got on the phone and asked his mother June to join him - remote caretaking roles have a minimum requirement of two people, in-line with basic remote area safety protocols - you always need backup!

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BLOG 26/03/2017

Erosion rehab success

Various infiltration and soil erosion mitigation techniques have been applied in some areas on Bon Bon Station Reserve over the past few years, where we've had the tools (and advice) available to start a repair process. We've some attached photos here to show the results so far.

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BLOG 21/03/2017

Aquatic animals in dry climate

While taking a walk around a clay pan we were very surprised to see a small snail in a tiny puddle of water leftover from the last rain. Our species list for aquatic (or water-loving) species is very short, as this is one of the driest habitable landscapes in Australia.

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BLOG 27/02/2017

Small vertebrate trapping on Bon Bon

At Bon Bon Station Reserve (South Australia) in the country's arid zone, there's a lot of baseline data being collected. One of these data sets is on the abundance and diversity of small mammals and reptile species that live in some of Australia's most harsh conditions.

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BLOG 13/11/2016

Horrible monster discovered at Bon Bon

While out in the field on Bon Bon Reserve, where I work as a Field Officer, Aaron Fenner (South Australian Rangeland Alliance Ecologist) and I were super excited to spot this amazing lizard – Moloch horridus, otherwise well known as the 'Thorny Devil'. It's a new species record for the reserve!

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BLOG 26/10/2016

Botanical bonanza

An amazing array of yellows, white, purples, blue-greens and reds have recently brightened the often subdued colours of the arid-zone landscapes across outback South Australia.

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BLOG 09/03/2016

A volunteer partnership at Bon Bon

Peter and Margie Calder are much valued volunteers. Over the past few years they've volunteered over 20 weeks of their time to their 'local reserve' – Bon Bon Station (it's only a day's drive away). They wrote this blog entry after completing their 8th placement at Bon Bon.

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BLOG 07/01/2016

Notes on nature - Looking back on 2015

It's time to look back on 2015 and share some of the seasonal happenings and everyday events that shaped the year at Bon Bon Station Reserve. It's a real privilege to live and work in this amazing arid environment and to have the opportunity to experience and interact with nature.

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BUSHTRACKS 21/12/2015

Line of fire

Out on Bon Bon Station Reserve, the heat can sear your skin and leave you breathless. And yet this massive piece of land, which rivals the size of Sydney, is home to some of Australia’s most extraordinary creatures like the southern hairy-nosed wombat and the rare chestnut breasted whiteface. Here's how we manage wildfire risk for Bon Bon’s diverse plants and animals.

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BUSHTRACKS 21/09/2015

Battling buffel to protect our desert jewel

Bon Bon Station Reserve in South Australia is a true outback marvel, an expansive landscape dotted with shimmering salt lakes, red dune sands supporting mulga trees, open ironstone plains studded with stately myall trees and stunningly beautiful expanses of pearl bluebush. Our challenge is to protect it from invasive Buffel Grass.

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BLOG 02/06/2015

Babblers group birdwatching

Two new bird species have been added to the Bon Bon bird list by a group of 19 dedicated bird watchers who volunteered some time at Bon Bon to check up on the local bird life over the Easter weekend.

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BUSHTRACKS 20/03/2015

New feral monitoring data

A new long-term monitoring program using remote infra-red cameras on both Boolcoomatta and our Bon Bon Reserve will help protect vulnerable natives such as the plains wanderer from feral foxes and cats.

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