Together, we time-travel back to the period before colonisation began. Here, powerful creator spirits are in action. Bundjiyl (the Wedge-tailed Eagle) soars above the expansive grasslands and Box-Ironbark woodlands. Mindi, a giant serpent, carves cultural laws into valleys of the volcanic plains.
Waa (the Australian Raven) observes Gatjin (water) and its courses, to ensure it can provide for all the animals and plants on Djandak. Places sing and everyone works together to keep Country healthy.
As time passes, the creator spirits come to rest in the landscape – an ever-present reminder of Ancestral lore and knowledge for Djaara to witness and protect. Rivers and creeks run clear, and fertile, soft soils provide ample food for people and animals.
Djandak Wi (fire) is controlled and frequent, guided by a sophisticated understanding of the seasons and ecology.
Days are spent observing, managing and celebrating a bountiful place. This carries on for tens of thousands of years. Then, we arrive at our shared history.
It’s time for truth-telling. We listen to the lived experience of Amos, his colleague, Djaara and Bangerang man Paul Phillips, and Aboriginal Partnership Manager Bam Lees. We don’t shy away from the atrocities caused by settlers and the continued impacts of colonisation that have brought about huge changes for Djaara and Djandak.
For both storyteller and listener, there are moments where big emotions fill the space. Together, we welcome these and then let them pass.
Seeding the Future Career Development Program Lead Michelle Stook, who has come from Jagera and Turrbal Country in Queensland, explains how this personal experience brings about lasting impact. “When you feel that connection through story with an individual, that feeling is going to stay with you for life,” she says.
In the afternoon, the official program wraps, and we walk on Country at Buckrabanyule Reserve. This is one of Mindi’s resting places and a site of deep cultural significance for Djaara. Until 2021, when Bush Heritage commenced management of the reserve, Djaara hadn’t been able to access the site for over 170 years.
Currently, prickly invasive shrubs adorned with red fruits smother the landscape, making it hard for native plants and animals to thrive. Previous management, or the lack thereof, has led to a serious infestation of Wheel Cactus (Opuntia robusta), which impacts not only the reserve but also acts as a seed propagation threat for the wider region.