Since arriving from the UK for a volunteering holiday in Australia, Richard has been quick to get his hands dirty. He’s done everything from frog surveys to tree planting, weed control and general maintenance around Scottsdale Reserve. Wildlife photography is the one leisure activity he permits himself outside of his volunteering commitments, yet the workload has never daunted him.
“It’s incredibly varied work and that’s been one of the interesting parts. The reserve managers have a huge task in front of them so I’m just happy to play my part.”
Richard is an experienced environmental volunteer, having worked with the National Trust, the Northwest Ecological Trust and The Wildlife Trusts in the UK. It was Australia’s unique wildlife that drew him to our shores.
“I’ve been interested in conservation for some time and so I think it's interesting to see how conservation is done over here, especially the techniques Bush Heritage is using, how the land is managed and what fauna and flora are here,” he says. “It's all so new. Everything here, all of the plants and animals, are unique to Australia, and it’s wonderful to see and experience it all for myself.”