A new start at Reedy Creek | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content

Joining the Bush Heritage family at the beginning of December 2019 has already given me a swag load of stories that could have me yarning all day, so I’ll do my best to cover a snap shot of the highlights so far as Reserve Manager of Reedy Creek.

Arriving in Agnes Water from Far North Queensland to begin my new role at Reedy Creek unbeknownst to me, I would be shortly retracing my steps north to Yourka Reserve to help with wildfires. On returning home I then went west to help with more wildfires affecting Carnarvon Reserve. Figuratively speaking, it was certainly a baptism of fire!

New plantings
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New plantings
Highest astronomical tide of 2020
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Highest astronomical tide of 2020

Thankfully all reserves have received ample rain in the past months, Reedy Creek Reserve has already received almost 350mm since our first downpour on February 6th, which was a stark cry from the dismal 43mm in December.

The rushing water was a welcome sight to the creek bed as the once moisture-rich peat moss and leaf matter had been devoid of any moisture at all.

New life throughout the parched ground of the Reserve was began to take effect.

With the rain comes the weeds and Signal Grass is one dominant species encroaching several patches within the reserve.

Previous Reserve Managers had planted out fig trees in this area and now after almost 10 years of growth these broad-leafed trees have created a canopy, smothering out the rapid growth of the Signal Grass extending out beneath their drip line.

Following the same principle, the grass was sprayed with a suitable herbicide, planting areas raked back and a variety of 50 trees planted out, with plans for more planting to occur. These rains couldn't have come at a more suitable time, with the skys opening up the following day after fertilizer had just been laid out.

It certainly is a satisfying feeling knowing I'm contributing to sustainable land management at such a beautiful region of the Discovery Coast. Reedy Creek is open to visitors and home of the famous Paperbark Forest Boardwalk. Come and take a look around!