“I worked for 10 years in construction. I got sick of that and I reflected on what job do I want to do for the rest of my life. That was when I started studying environmental management.”
Before long, Stephen found himself on Bush Heritage’s Pullen Pullen Reserve, Maiawali Country, in western Queensland studying the Night Parrot.
“I started doing a PhD at the University of Queensland in 2016. Pullen Pullen is an amazing landscape, beautiful semi-arid plains and spinifex that stretches for miles and miles. Towards the end of my PhD, there was a few jobs at Bush Heritage that were coming up and I was lucky enough to get a position.”
Nick, Angela and Stephen now spend their days applying their scientific expertise to conservation projects with the aim of returning the Australian bush to good health.
Where will science take you? Learn more about our Seeding the Future program.
Bush Heritage gratefully acknowledges the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation for their core support to establish the Seeding the Future program. Angela’s internship was supported by LinkedIn and Stephen’s by the Erica Foundation. Nick’s internship is supported by Kerry Landman.