Animal Colouring-in Pages for Kids | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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Colouring pencils and pens. By Pavel Danilyuk (

Some fabulous volunteers produced these colouring sheets of native animals to inspire and occupy young conservationists. They also make a fantastic teaching tool. All are free to download and enjoy!

Each colouring page is in Adobe PDF format and features species we protect on one of our nature reserves – a good way to introduce different animals and where they live.

Colouring in sheet for Brogo Reserve. 
Brogo (NSW) colouring sheet (PDF) with Flying Fox, Eastern Yellow Robin & Long- nosed Bandicoot.

Colouring in sheet for Eurardy Reserve (WA). 
Eurardy (WA) colouring sheet (PDF) with Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Kalbarri Spider Orchid & Hairy-footed Dunnart.

Colouring in sheet for Naree Reserve (NSW). 
Naree (NSW) colouring sheet (PDF) with Little Pied Bat, Holy Cross Frog & Leopardwood.

Colouring in sheet for Scottsdale Reserve (NSW) 
Scottsdale (NSW) colouring sheet (PDF) with Speckled Warbler, Spearwood & Rosenberg's Monitor.

Colouring in sheet for Reedy Creek Reserve (Qld) 
Reedy Creek (Qld) colouring sheet (PDF) with Swamp Mahogany, Red-tailed Black Cockatoo & Green Turtle.