Bushtracks Spring 2017 | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
Cover of Bushtracks Spring 2017

Our native species interact with their habitats on a landscapes scale; they need space to fly, forage, nest, and move in a way that suits them both biologically and ecologically.

When habitats are broken up and fragmented into isolated patches, many native species suffer. That’s why our work is focused on landscape-scale conservation that not only protects and connects the patches we have left, but also restores when appropriate.

In this edition of Bush Tracks, you’ll find many examples of the positive impact that our landscape-scale approach to conservation is having.

In the Fitz-Stirling region of Western Australia, we're part of Australia’s most ambitious revegetation project, Gondwana Link, which is reconnecting and restoring the functionality of 1,000km of land in the state’s southwest.

Over more than 10 years, we've planted hundreds of thousands of seeds and seedlings here. Now, the earliest of those plantings have grown into forests as tall as your ceiling, and common species are becoming common again.

You’ll read, too, about how we’re helping to enhance the health of native fish in the Murrumbidgee River. This collaboration is restoring and reconnecting a 100km stretch of the river in NSW and the ACT for the benefit of species such as the endangered Macquarie Perch.

As a landholder and partner, our support is catalysing people to come together and act at a local level, in the context of a broader landscape-scale objective.

More than 5,800 Australian species across 6.2 million hectares of ecologically important land are benefitting from our landscape-scale approach to conservation, thanks to your support.

Conservation at this scale isn’t easy – working across vast and remote landscapes comes with its own unique set of challenges – and it would be foolish for us to believe we could work in isolation.

By focusing on large, long-term collaborations, we're getting far more done than we could if we were working alone. In supporting our work, you're a part of those collaborations, and for that we're so grateful.

Gerard O'Neil
Gerard O'Neill signature

Gerard O’Neill, Chief Executive.