Once covering 3 million hectares, 83% of these woodlands have been cleared for agriculture.
This new property, named after the late John Douglas, who was a well-respected local farmer and conservationist, is an incredibly important patch of remnant Box-Ironbark woodland. Around 80% of this property is intact and has not been cleared for agriculture - it's an example of what's possible when farmers have a vision for shared landscapes.
Areas like this are particularly unique in a fragmented state such as Victoria, and are of exceptional conservation significance. The reserve features important stands of Kara Kara Heathy Woodland and creekline Grassy Woodland, which support large stands of Yellow Box, Grey Box, Yellow Gum, Red Gum, Buloke and Drooping Sheoke.
There is an area within the southern remnant patch of Heathy Woodland, which was known as “the garden” to Mr and Mrs Douglas and has been excluded entirely from stock grazing pressure by the Douglas family for 60 years.