By now, after living remotely for the best part of the last decade, Clint and I are pretty well-versed in remote living. We're used to not going food shopping for long periods of time and the forward planning that entails. We have a well-stocked pantry and grow lots of our own food to supplement our groceries. We cook a lot of great meals to compensate for lack of restaurant outings and have quite a few “easy go-to meals” for those nights you get home from work and say “I cant be bothered cooking tonight, let's order a pizza”.
We Zoom call people a lot as we can’t visit them face-to-face, our dentist and doctors fly in on planes and our mail is delivered twice a week by the “Red Dog” (the greyhound bus enroute to Alice Springs). Also, as I learnt this year, we are really used to isolation, so Covid-19 was not a shock to our systems as it was to many.
However out here, there's an additional complexity that adds to the quirkiness of living on Bon Bon Station Reserve – the property is within the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA).
This really puts a new swing on things and keeps life exciting.