“My name is Lynette Nixon. I’m a Gunggarri woman from the Maranoa. I’ve been a Murri woman all my life. Caring for Country is very important.
“I can remember when I was little, my grandmother used to tell me that the Country's always listening for your voice.”
That means you’re connected to Country, and everything about you belongs to Country. You have to take care for everything that's on your Country.
If we would have listened to the old people and taken care of the Country in the way that we should have, the way that they have done for 60,000 years, we would save ourselves a lot of heartache. It's in our own benefits to take care of the Country. It’s for everybody’s benefits to hold up them old cultural ways.”
Naizel Enosa
Argan Clan, Badu Island, Torres Straits