Stage 1 planting - 2019
After several excellent falls of rain in May, June and July, the soil profile across the experimental sites had moisture to depth, particularly along the rip lines. Soil moisture conditions were almost perfect for planting in mid July.
Seedlings for 8 of the 10 provenances (9000 seedlings) were planted with each seedling individually labelled and bar coded to identify its parental line and provenance. The remaining two provenances are being planted in Stage 2 in 2020.
Each plot was planted to 25 plants from one provenance, with individual seedlings representing each of the 10 'families' (a family being seedlings all propagated from seeds collected from a single mother tree). The seedlings were planted at 4m x 4m spacings. A row of buffer trees (grey box) was planted around each block.
Planting was certainly a major, complex challenge but thanks to a large team of enthusiastic GreenFleet and Bush Heritage staff, TAFE and La Trobe University students and other generous volunteers, all seedlings were planted into their pre-determined locations within a week.
Trial assessment 2019
Following an exceptionally dry spring, the project team, supported by a strong team of volunteers, monitored all experimental plantings in early November during extremely hot, windy conditions. Plants across all blocks and plots were checked for survival, plant health, herbivory and height.
Seedling mortality, largely through desiccation, was high. Three months after the 9000 seedlings were planted across the trial in late July, 52% had survived with many appearing stressed. Plant loss was consistently high but did vary between blocks. In most sites, the presence of senesced and senescing weeds (capeweed, storks bill, Patterson’s curse, oxalis and wild oats) was obvious. The combination of exceptionally dry conditions in spring and weed competition after a wet winter put the eucalypt seedlings under stress before they had established a strong root system.
To maximise survival of the remaining plants through their first summer, GreenFleet and Bush Heritage committed to one watering. Under normal circumstance, this procedure would be undesirable but considering the drought and importance of the trial, watering was successful in enabling the survival of enough seedlings to ensure the trial could continue as planned.
Stage 2 planting - 2020
Seed stock for the provenances of Quorn (Grey Box) and Condobolin (Yellow Box) were not available for the first planting, so were planted a year later in 2020. To facilitate future comparisons, the control provenances were supplemented at the same time with additional plants from the control seed stock. With much more favourable planting conditions, seedling survival of these plants has been 95% (much higher than the first planting).
Trial assessments 2020-2022
At the time of writing, survival, growth and health of each seedling has been monitored seven times, in spring 2019, autumn 2020, winter 2020, spring 2020, autumn 2021, spring 2021 and autumn 2022. We've had two successive seasons of exceptional rainfall and mild temperatures in 2021 and 2022 contributing to strong growth and great survivorship of the seedlings. Grey Box are averaging 93cm and Yellow Box are averaging 82cm in height.