There are many, but one that’s stuck with me took place on Bush Heritage’s Naree Station Reserve, up near the NSW-Queensland border. I was with a group of people walking through the landscape, and we stopped at a Coolabah Tree. Gerard O’Neill, our Chief Executive, said to us, “this tree is probably around 500 or 600 years old”.
The tree was full of swallow nests, spiders’ webs, and insects of all kinds. I remember thinking, "This tree has seen hundreds of years of evolution take place and it’s still standing here today – still providing a home for all kinds of birds and insects – and we're helping to protect it so it can continue to do so".
Why do you support Bush Heritage?
In supporting Bush Heritage, I'm doing something that I think is absolutely vital: protecting the birds, the bees, the bush and the flowers so that our children and our children’s children have the pleasure of hearing, seeing and smelling the same things that we've been able to experience in our lifetimes.