This year we added smaller pit traps to our existing trapping sites (different sized pit traps catch different critters) and added some new sites. In addition, we only conducted trapping in the Mulga on Sandplain vegetation community. Invertebrates were collected from both the vertebrate pitfall traps and from small vials, specifically installed to sample this taxonomic group at each of the monitoring sites.
The survey resulted in the capture of more than 300 individuals and 30 species (22 reptiles, 7 mammals and 1 amphibian), with Southern Sandsliders (Lerista labialis), Eyre Basin Beaked Geckoes (Rhynchoedura eyrensis), and Royal Ctenotus (Ctenotus regius), the most encountered species.
Beaded Geckoes (Lucasium damaeum) and Sand-plain Geckoes (Lucasium stenodatylum) were also trapped in greater numbers than the surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019.
Mammal numbers were still relatively low, although seven species were detected.