So far, with only preliminary results in, they have detected Gang-gang Cockatoos (Callocephalon fimbriatum), a Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua), Varied Sittellas (Daphoenositta chrysoptera), Dusky Woodswallows (Artamus cyanopterus), and two threatened bats – the Large Bent-winged Bat (Miniopterus orianae oceanensis) and the Eastern Coastal Free-tailed Bat (Micronomus norfolkensis). This, on top of many other non-threatened species including wombats, Brush-tailed and Ring-tailed Possums, Sugar Gliders, and a series of bush rats and antechinus.
The data from these surveys will allow us to better target our management so these species are looked after for the long-term. At the moment, Josh’s days are filled with weed control and feral animal management, focusing on deer, foxes and rabbits. There are also plans to begin cultural burns in the new year, and to deepen our relationship and engagement with Yuin people.