Webinar: Restoring bush in the Fitz-Stirling | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content

We are incredibly fortunate to have an amazing array of plant life with stunning flowers of every shape, size and colour in this country. Apart from the natural beauty they provide, Australia’s native plant species are also an invaluable life source for our ecosystems, providing wildlife with food and habitat - they are often the last refuge for many endangered animals. However, they are also under threat…

More than 1000 native plants are on the brink of extinction or threatened, and we are on a mission to protect them! 

Join Bush Heritage Australia's Alex Hams and Angela Sanders as they chat to host Matthew Taylor about the revegetation efforts being undertaken at our Monjebup and Red Moort reserves, to protect significant contiguous bushland critical to several native species.

You'll also hear from Traditional Owner Uncle Eugene Eades about his people’s connection to Country in Southwest WA, plus we'll have an exciting announcement about a new reserve in the area!


Matthew Taylor

Guest speakers

Alex Hams, Reserve Manager

Angela Sanders, Ecologist

Caption of this image Webinar: Restoring the bush to protect our native species