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Tangled Burr Daisy on Pilunga Reserve, Wangkamadla Country. By Bee Stephens
Tangled Burr Daisy on Pilunga Reserve, Wangkamadla Country. By Bee Stephens

Thank you

Published 27 Oct 2023

Our work would not be possible without the support of people like you and so many other donors who've recently contributed.

Gifts in Celebration

Chloe Higson and her Mum and Dad donated to celebrate Daniel's 30th birthday.

Deborah Lehmann gave generously to protect nature for Hugh Payne's 80th Birthday.

The Caloni Gang donated to celebrate Andrew Paloni's birdthday. They send lots of love.

Generous donations in memory of loved ones

Mary Natoli and Ian Huntley donated in remembrance of John Kennedy

Douglas Gaze left a gift in memory of his late wife Jenny Ingrid Gaze.

Kaye Follett donated in memory of Ray Jeffery.

Peter Hannam and Keir Winesmith donated to honour Hugh Saddler.

Judith donated in loving memory of Shaun David Wade.

Shauna Stoker left a generous in the memory of Dylan Wood on behalf of the Guthrie and Stoker families, including Dawn, Pat, Shauna, Vanessa, Martin, Adam, Luke and Kate.

Brett and Deb Ditchfield, and Peter Roberts also donated to honour Dylan Wood's life. “Dylan was many things: husband, father, brother, architect, furniture designer, and a believer of what Bush Heritage stands for.”

Marilyn Zakrevsky donated in memory of myher late husband Vitaly Kenneth.

Lynette Elliott donation in honour of the late Peter Brendan Jubb.

Gifts in Wills

We gratefully acknowledge the estates of Henry Robert Thorne

Linda Knox, Barbara Praetz, Christina Roche, June Strykowski, Kristine 

Rodgers, Beryl Haile, Sally Stabback, Paula Clarke, Christine Jarrett and

Kerry Kavney.

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