Carnarvon Station | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content

Carnarvon sits in the Brigalow Belt bioregion – one of the most extensive, fertile and well-watered areas in northern Australia.

The Brigalow Belt covers 1.6 times the area of Victoria but has been mostly cleared of vegetation and is maintained that way (regrowth is cleared). Species once dominant on the more fertile plains have been reduced to small patches.

Landscape-scale conservation is now only possible in the least productive and rugged terrain. Extensive patches of this remain and within these are pockets of the ecosystems once on the plains.

Landscape view from above looking down across a dense forest canopy as far as the eye can see, rolling hills and valleys visible only as shapes covered in a soft, green coating of treetops. Each hill is capped by a wide, flat, forested top. At the very bottom of the photo, the trees give way to a grassy clearing.
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Aerial view of Carnarvon Station Reserve. Photo Wayne Lawler/EcoPix.

Carnarvon Station is one such pocket – a 60,000 hectare valley in the midst of the largest remnant in the bioregion, adjacent to Carnarvon National Park, which covers mostly rugged ranges.

Our reserve extends conservation down to the grasslands and fertile valleys to help make the reserve estate a microcosm of what once was.

Of around 320 animal species found on the reserve so far, at least 10 are threatened. This reserve also protects hundreds of plant species, five of which are threatened.

What Carnarvon Reserve protects

The nationally endangered Northern Quoll has been recorded on Carnarvon in the past and more recently within the adjacent national park. Carnarvon also has its own endemic snail, Pallidelix simonhudsoni and protects the following significant species and communities:

Animals: Koala, Herbert's Rock Wallaby, Greater Glider, Dingo, Squatter Pigeon, Glossy Black-cockatoo, Corben's Long-eared Bat, Adorned Delma, Pale Imperial Hairstreak, Tusked Frog.

Plants: Austral Cornflower (Rhaponticum australe), a sedge (Cyperus clarus), Spiky Anchorplant (Discaria pubescens), Tall Velvet Sea-berry (Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina), King Bluegrass (Dichanthium queenslandicum).

Vegetation communities: Bluegrass grasslands, vine thicket, Brigalow scrub, spring wetland communities, redgum forest, Poplar Box woodlands, Mountain Coolibah woodlands.

Close-up of a bright green frog crouched in a "loaf" position on a sandy-coloured rock, side-on to the camera, its head slightly cocked. Its skin is smooth and slightly shiny, and its eyes are lustrous gold with large, horizontal black pupils
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Green Tree Frog at Carnarvon Station Reserve. Photo by Cathy Zwick.

What we’re doing

Carnarvon Station was a  cattle station for 140 years, so our first priority was removing stock to protect the grasslands and sensitive natural springs.

Conservation involves a lot of the resource-intensive work that might take place on a farm – boundary fences are needed to keep out stock. Access tracks have to be maintained and feral animals and weeds managed.

Significant run-away erosion has been stabilised and infrastructure such as the historic homestead have been restored so staff can live on reserve and maintain its assets.

Some of the precious alluvial grasslands and grassy woodlands have been cropped in the past and in the process they were infested with weeds such as  Johnson Grass and Buffel Grass. With help from volunteers, these have been held in check while the native species regained hold. 

Removing  feral horses and pigs has also been important. Horses destroy shelter for ground-nesting birds and other wildlife, cause erosion, and trample springs and watercourses, ruining important turtle and frog habitat. Pigs root up earth around the springs, fouling the water and degrading the wetland habitats encircling the springs.

Planned burns reduce the extent of wildfires threatening life and property. They allow for the retention of vegetation islands within burns as refuges and arks for wildlife.

Landscape view captured from low down, as if the photographer was lying on the ground. The foreground is thick with golden grass stems glowing with evening light, contrasted against the rich blue of low clouds rolling away into the far horizon. In the distance, barely visible over the grass, a line of dark hills meets the sky; otherwise, the landscape is punctuated only by a single, small gum tree rising out of the grass in the middle distance.
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Native bluegrass (Dichanthium spp.) at Carnarvon Station Reserve. Photo Wayne Lawler / Ecopix.

Our results

Grasslands are now dominated by native species. So much so that we're now harvesting Bluegrass seeds to sell to other local landowners for use in rehabilitating cleared or degraded grasslands in the surrounding region.

Planned burns have seen a mix of species return across the valleys. The Poplar Box and coolibah woodlands that were cleared are regrowing rapidly. Those that were spared clearing, some still showing scar trees from precolonial times, are now in a varied sea of native grasses.

The most spectacular difference has been in the  upland coolibah and ironbark woodlands. Here the removal of feral horses has seen bare earth return to dense grass and herbs. The return of managed burns has also seen acacias return to the mid-storey of the woodlands.

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History and cultural values

Keelen Mailman is a Bidjara woman who lives on the neighbouring Mt Tabor Station. For many years the Bidjara people were denied access to Carnarvon Station, even though it's part of their traditional lands. That's all changed.

“When Bush Heritage acquired Carnarvon Station they took steps to identify the Traditional Custodians, which was brilliant for us.”

– Keelen Mailman, Mt Tabor Station

“It really touched my heart seeing the joy on the face of my old uncle when he was allowed to visit the place he’d lived as a child for the first time in years.”

The reserve holds many sites of cultural importance to the Bidjara, including  rock art, burial places, scar trees and quarry sites.