Fan Palm | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content

Rescued from developers in 1993, Fan Palm was the first reserve purchased by Bush Heritage through fundraising efforts and the first on mainland Australia. 

The reserve’s most striking visual feature is the fan palms, from which it draws its name.

Growing up to 15 metres high, the palms form a dense canopy in the mesophyll vine forest that covers Fan Palm Reserve.

Elsewhere, much of this forest type has been cleared for farming and it’s now uncommon.

RS24320 cassowary parish
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Southern Cassowary. Photo Steve Parish.

Fan Palm is also important as Bush Heritage’s only reserve within Queensland’s Wet Tropics World Heritage Area – a national biodiversity hotspot that’s home to more than half of Australia’s bird species and 60% of both our butterfly and bat species.

One of these bird species, the nationally endangered Southern Cassowary, plays a critical role in keeping tropical ecosystems alive through seed dispersal and germination.

All this is protected thanks to our generous supporters.

What Fan Palm Reserve protects

Animals: Herbert River Ringtail Possum, Green Ringtail Possum, Lemuroid Ringtail Possum, Striped Possum, Bennett's Tree Kangaroo.

Plants: Cleistanthus oblongifolius, Neostrearia fleckeri, Ryparosa javanica.

Vegetation communities: Mesophyll vine forest with dominant fan palms (Licuala ramsayi).

RS29059 Fauna Fan Palm Reserve Wompoo fruit dove Beth Hales lpr
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Wompoo Fruit Dove at Fan Palm Reserve, Qld. Photo Beth Hales.

What we’re doing

Thankfully, the vegetation of Fan Palm Reserve is robust and requires no direct intervention to maintain its integrity.

One threat to the ground storey comes from feral pigs, which can plough up ground beneath fan palms and the taller rainforest trees, leaving a trail of destruction, compacted soil and barren patches of earth.

As well as trapping and removing pigs, we’re working to control the potential for Lantana infestation around the fringes of the reserve.

Fan Palm canopy.
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Fan Palm canopy. Photo Craig Allen.

Cultural values

The Eastern Kuku Yalanji people are the Traditional Custodians of Fan Palm reserve and the Daintree Coast. Their ancestral tenure extends from the Mossman Valley to the Upper Annan River in the north, and west to the Great Dividing Range.

Kuku Yalanji families have been living on and caring for this land for at least 50,000 years and continue to do so today.

Many natural features of the Daintree landscape and surrounding areas are of important cultural significance, while seasonally available plants and animals sustained families as they travelled throughout country.