Camp at Boolcoomatta (SA) | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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Camper at Boolcoomatta. Photo Sandy Horne.
Bool camping guide April 23 320 KB

We have no availability for visitors for the remainer of the season. Bookings are therefore closed and will reopen in April 2025

Boolcoomatta Reserve is in eastern South Australia, north of the Barrier Hwy. It’s about 100km west of Broken Hill and 470km north east of Adelaide.

Traditional custodians are both the Adnyamathanha and Wiljakali people.

The landscape features open mulga woodlands and natural waterholes supporting species such as Gould's Wattled Bat, Blue Bonnets and Red-backed Kingfishers.

546 yellow footed rock wallaby 1
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Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby at Boolcoomatta. Photo Wayne Lawler

Down on the saltbush plains Orange Chats, Chirruping Wedgebills, Bearded Dragons and large flocks of Emus go about their business. And watching over all of this are the dramatic Olary Ranges – some of the oldest rocks in Australia.

Boolcoomatta camp ground is a small, simple bush camp located about 4km from the homestead. It's predominantly open country with some Casuarina trees dotted throughout the landscape. 

There are a number of self-guided driving tours around the property and we recommend a minimum stay of two days. As camping spaces are limited and conditions variable, booking ahead is essential.

Lone tree  on Boolcoomatta. with red clouds. Photo Peter Ashton
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Lone tree on Boolcoomatta. with red clouds. Photo Peter Ashton

Download our Camping Guide above for details of the facilities, vehicle requirements and preparation. You will need to be self-sufficient. Contact Katrina Blake on (03) 8610 9124 or [email protected] if you have any follow up questions.

While there's no camping fee, a donation towards your stay would be greatly appreciated and will help us continue the important work in protecting reserves such as Boolcoomatta. Donations can be made anytime online, or through forms available at the reserve.