Sea Turtle Gift Card | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content

Sea Turtle Gift Card

Sea Turtle 6x4

Ever wondered where turtles go when they’re out in the ocean? On Wunambal Gaambera Country in the far north Kimberley, Uunguu Rangers have been working to figure this out. And in doing so, they met Shelly: a turtle who travelled 2600km from the Kimberley to the Gulf of Carpentaria!

Five different species of mangguru (marine turtles) live on Wunambal Gaambera country.

Turtles are important to Wunambal Gaambera people’s saltwater culture. Bush Heritage has partnered with the Wunambal Gaambera people to develop and implement a Healthy Country Plan, which involves monitoring and protecting mangguru.

This bushgift supports Bush Heritage’s continued ecological work on our partners’ land and waters across Australia. Learn more about how we are helping to protect marine turtles.

Design by Emma Coast.

Ever wondered where turtles go when they’re out in the ocean? On Wunambal Gaambera Country in the far north Kimberley, Uunguu Rangers have been working to figure this out. And in doing so, they met Shelly: a turtle who travelled 2600km from the Kimberley to the Gulf of Carpentaria!

Five different species of mangguru (marine turtles) live on Wunambal Gaambera country.

Turtles are important to Wunambal Gaambera people’s saltwater culture. Bush Heritage has partnered with the Wunambal Gaambera people to develop and implement a Healthy Country Plan, which involves monitoring and protecting mangguru.

This bushgift supports Bush Heritage’s continued ecological work on our partners’ land and waters across Australia. Learn more about how we are helping to protect marine turtles.

Design by Emma Coast.