Game changers
We’re innovating a swift and smart response to feral cat predation across the country.

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Australia’s isolation from other landmasses for millions of years since its separation from the Gondwanan continent allowed a unique group of animal species to evolve.
Since the arrival of Europeans many new species have been introduced. Some of these have adapted and thrived so successfully that they now dominate and threaten many of our native species and ecosystems.
Twenty eight Australian mammal species are now extinct. Cats have been implicated in the demise of at least 20 mammal species and subspecies. Feral cat populations fluctuate between two and six million and consume between 100 million and 1.5 billion birds each year.
Feral predators such as cats and foxes have a devastating impact on native wildlife. Their impact is greatest where over-grazing or fire has left little vegetation cover in which to hide.
Other species can have profound impacts on ecosystems in other ways. Cane Toads, which are poisonous, have caused a catastrophic decline in populations of native species such as goannas and quolls that naturally prey on native frogs. Starlings and Indian Mynas compete with native birds for nest sites, food and territory.
Water Buffalo create channels that allows saltwater to intrude into freshwater wetlands adjacent to northern Australian coasts. Feral pigs damage wetlands, tearing up vegetation in pursuit of roots and tubers and eating the eggs and young of birds and turtles.
Poison baits are a tool that we use reluctantly but which unfortunately in many circumstances are the only viable means of reducing feral animal numbers enough to allow native species to survive and recover.
Where there are viable alternatives, we use them. We deploy poison baits in ways that minimise the likelihood of native species being affected and are trialling alternative methods (such as Felixer cat traps) that further minimise the risk of non-target animals being impacted.
We monitor native and feral species numbers on our reserves using motion sensing cameras, trapping, spotlighting and the use of sandpads to capture tracks.
This allows us to understand how our control programs are impacting on feral numbers and in turn how this is benefiting native species populations. This information is used in our planning to refine and prioritise feral animal control.
We collaborate with scientists and university students on research to understand the impact of ferals, the benefits to native species of controlling them, and the best control methods.
Dingoes are Australia’s apex predator and are an important part of the ecology, keeping natural systems in balance. Perhaps counter-intuitively, a healthy Dingo population is good for small to medium-sized mammals, reptiles and birds as cats and foxes avoid them.
Unlike cats and foxes, Dingoes prefer larger prey (e.g. wallabies, kangaroos) so there are less predators of small to medium fauna. Dingoes also regulate numbers of feral herbivores such as goats, deer and rabbits, which helps native species.