Reserve scorecards | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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Identifying plants at Burrin Burrin Reserve, NSW. Photo Tim Clark.

Monitoring helps us understand if we're on track and if we're achieving the intended impact on our Conservation Targets.

Evaluation is converting that monitoring data into knowledge and understanding.

As part of Step 4 of our Conservation Management Process (Analyse and Adapt), we analyse our monitoring data and evaluate the management of our reserves.

On an annual basis, we measure progress at three levels:

  1. Outputs (Strategy implementation)
    Are we implementing the plan as expected?
  2. Outcomes (Threats)
    Are we implementing our strategies effectively and are threats reducing?
  3. Impacts (Targets)
    Is target health improving?

Every 5-10 years we prepare detailed scorecards to tell us if the health of our conservation targets has improved over time.

Scorecards are an output of the evaluation process and present a summary of key findings including the overall change that's occurred to each target's health and its trend, and to each threat rating and its trend.




Very good

Restoration difficult. Extirpation likely. Outside acceptable range of variation - needs substantial human effort Within acceptable range of variation. Requires human effort. Desirable status. Requires little or no human effort.