Conservation science | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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Ecologist Matt Appleby tossing a quadrat to conduct a grassland survey in the Tasmanian Midlands. Photo Annette Ruzicka.

We approach science in a way that embodies respect and encourages a richer outcome – a right-way science approach’.

Through our Conservation Management Process, we plan best-practice land management actions and associated monitoring to understand our impact in our priority landscapes.

Through this process we identify research questions that need to be addressed. Our Knowledge Strategy page explains this in more detail and provides a list of our knowledge needs for potential collaborators to use in project development.

We use science to:

1. Understand the land and its plants and animals

Science helps us identify conservation targets most in need of protection. Biodiversity surveys help provide knowledge of species and ecosystems to ensure we can manage them effectively.

As we grow, we’re increasingly looking to citizen scientists and collaborative programs (such as BushBlitz) to help gather knowledge, monitor our impact and build opportunities for young scientists to learn from our staff.

2. Generate new knowledge

There’s still a lot we don’t know about the best ways to restore damaged ecosystems and rebuild species populations. Research is focused on such questions. Sharing what we learn with our partners, the scientific and conservation community helps to build knowledge.

3. Inform decision making

Research helps us set priorities, allocate resources and identify knowledge gaps to fill through more research. Monitoring our impact allows us to evaluate and improve our strategies.

Our work includes rebuilding viable populations of native species, revegetating cleared land to increase connectivity, managing fire, and controlling feral animals and weeds. These actions are all based on the best-available science.

Let's work together!

We expand the reach, impact and awareness of our science through programs such as the Scientist in Residence, Healthy Country Fellowships and Internships.

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Research publications

Browse a full list of peer-reviewed publications that our science team have contributed to.

Research publications

Conservation Futures Project

An ambitious, collaborative project that aims to create a standardised knowledge system, containing new and existing cultural, biodiversity and conservation data.

The project invites Traditional Custodians, State and Federal Governments, private landholders, natural resource managers and not-for-profit organisations, to come together to share knowledge and data.

The Conservation Futures Project >

RS16590 david nelson ratcatchers
Image Information
David Nelson from the University of Sydney downloading data from a weather station at Ethabuka Reserve. Photo Kate Cranney.