Healthy Country Fellowships | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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PhD student Miranda Rew-Duffy radio tracking Rufous Bettongs on Carnarvon. Photo Kristie Wright

With donor support, and no shortage of wonderful candidates to take up fellowship positions, we're expanding our Healthy Country Fellowship program to host an increasing number of postgraduates.

Fellowships are focused on resolving practical, on-ground issues that are either species specific, reserve specific or that tackle a broader issue common to all areas of our work. 

Fellows on the academic journey together will develop their own knowledge and experience and ultimately generate new insights in their specialist areas that can benefit conservation work across Australia.

Our Fellows are brought together virtually every three months to share their projects at each stage of development – establishment, field trips, data analysis and writing up.

Chapter by chapter, the students learn from each other and from other ecologists – regardless of geographic location.

There's great potential for exchanges including visiting each other’s field sites and for an annual face-to-face get together with students, supervisors and our broader science team, featuring workshops, presentations, lectures and sharing of individual experiences in a casual, collegiate atmosphere.

Early-career scientists gain:

  • conservation science skills under the supervision of professional scientists;
  • experience developing, undertaking, analysing and reporting on a research project;
  • skills in landscape monitoring, data collection and analysis, report writing and presentation;
  • experience working with Traditional Custodians and the non-profit sector;
  • access to professional networks; and
  • increased opportunities for employment.

Next steps

Our Knowledge Strategy is a tool to help potential collaborators understand our priority research areas and how we can work together. Visit our Knowledge Strategy page and search the Identified Knowledge Needs for research questions of interest. If you find a good fit, we'd love to hear from you on [email protected]

How we work

Our staff, collaborators, affiliates and students are expected to conduct research in compliance with all National, State and local legislation including the IATSIS Code, and to act in alignment with the Right-way science approach, developed with our partners.

RS17684 rita cutter shoe weaving
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Traditional shoe weaving demonstration. Photo Annette Ruzicka.

Student research stories