Research Publications | Bush Heritage Australia Skip to main content
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Donna Belder and Brenda Duffy recording results from bird monitoring. Phot Tad Souden

Our staff, students and research partners regularly write and contribute to articles for scientific papers and journals to share findings from our research. 

Browse articles we have contributed to, by year, below.


Reintroducing native predators improves antipredator responses in naive prey 
Ben Stepkovitch, Leanne K. Van der Weyde, Graeme Finlayson, Daniel T. Blumstein, Mike Letnic, Katherine E. Moseby,

Using bioindicators to inform effective predator management for threatened species protection
Adams, C.A., Van der Weyde, L.K., Tuft, K., Finlayson, G.R. & Moseby, K.E.

An operational methodology to identify Critical Ecosystem Areas to help nations achieve the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Ruben Venegas-Li, Hedley S. Grantham, Hugo Rainey, Alex Diment, Robert Tizard, James E.M. Watson

The effect of collar weight and capture frequency on bodyweight in feral cats (Felis catus)
Ned L. Ryan-Schofield, Katherine E. Moseby, Todd J. McWhorter, Sarah M. Legge and Hugh W. McGregor

Scaling up area-based conservation to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework’s 30x30 target: The role of Nature’s Strongholds
John G. Robinson, Danielle LaBruna, Tim O'Brien, Peter Clyne, Nigel Dudley, Sandy Andelman, Elizabeth Bennett, Avecita Chicchon, Carlos Durigan, Hedley Grantham, Margaret Kinnaird, Sue Lieberman, Fiona Maisels, Adriana Moreira, Madhu Rao, Emma Stokes, Joe Walston, James Watson

Vocal convergence and social proximity shape the calls of the most basal Passeriformes, New Zealand Wrens
Moran IG, Loo YY, Louca S, Young NBA, Whibley A, Withers SJ, Salloum PM, Hall ML, Stanley MC, Cain KE. 

Limited recovery of soil organic carbon and soil biophysical functions after old field restoration in an agricultural landscape
Tina Parkhurst,  Rachel J. Standish, Suzanne M. Prober

An investigation into the utility of eastern barn owl pellet content as a tool to monitor small mammal diversity in an arid ecosystem
Pia Schoenefuss,  Alex S. Kutt,  Pippa L. Kern,  Kate A. Moffatt,  Joshua Bon,  Glenda M. Wardle,  Chris R. Dickman,  David A. Hurwood,  Andrew M. Baker

Arid erosion mapping: comparing LiDAR and structure from motion
Angus Retallack, Dillon Campbell, Graeme Finlayson, Ramesh Raja Segaran, Bertram Ostendorf,  Molly Hennekam, Sami Rifai and Megan Lewis

Ecological factors influencing invasive predator survival and movement: insights from a continental-scale study of feral cats in Australia
Menon, V, McGregor H, Giljohann K, Wintle B, Pascoe J, Robley A, Johnston M, Fancourt B, Bengsten A, Buckmaster T, Comer S, Hamer R, Friend T, Jansen J, 

Roles of the Red List of Ecosystems in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Emily Nicholson, Angela Andrade, Thomas M. Brooks, Amanda Driver, José R. Ferrer-Paris, Hedley Grantham, Mishal Gudka, David A. Keith, Tytti Kontula, Arild Lindgaard, Maria Cecilia Londono-Murcia, Nicholas Murray, Anne Raunio, Jessica A. Rowland, Michael Sievers, Andrew L. Skowno, Simone L. Stevenson, Marcos Valderrabano, Clare M. Vernon, Irene Zager & David Obura
Nat Ecol Evol, February 2024. 

Microbialite Accretion and Growth: Lessons from Shark Bay and the Bahamas
Pamela Reid, Erica Suosaari, Amanda Oehlert, Clément Pollier, Christophe Dupraz
Annual Review of Marine Science, January 2024.

Four principles for improved statistical ecology
Gordana Popovic, Tanya Jane Mason, Szymon Marian Drobniak, Tiago André Marques, Joanne Potts, Rocío Joo, Res Altwegg, Carolyn Claire Isabelle Burns, Michael Andrew McCarthy, Alison Johnston, Shinichi Nakagawa, Louise McMillan, Kadambari Devarajan, Patrick Leo Taggart, Alison Wunderlich, Magdalena M. Mair, Juan Andrés Martínez-Lanfranco, Malgorzata Lagisz, Patrice Pottier
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, January 2024.


Agricultural land-use legacies affect soil bacterial communities following restoration in a global biodiversity hotspot
Shawn D. Peddle, Christian Cando-Dumancela, Siegfried L. Krauss, Craig Liddicoat, Angela Sanders, Martin F. Breed 
Biological Conservation, December 2023

Population viability analysis informs Western Grasswren translocation: Multi-population sourcing of 112 founder individuals needed to meet success criteria
Aline Gibson Vega, Amanda R Ridley, Allan H Burbidge, Michelle L Hall, Saul J Cowen
Ornithological Applications, November 2023 

Tracking landscape scale vegetation change in the arid zoneby integrating ground, drone and satellite data
Roxane J. Francis, Richard T. Kingsford, Katherine Moseby, John Read, Reece Pedler, Adrian Fisher, Justin McCann, Rebecca West
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, November 2023

Utilising random forests in the modelling of Eragrostis curvula presence and absence in an Australian grassland system
J Brown, A. Merchant, L Ingram
Scientific Reports, October 2023

Monitoring and evaluation of Indigenous Land and Sea Management: An Indigenous-led approach in the Arafura Swamp, northern Australia
Otto Bulmaniya Campion, Mali Djarrbal, Charlie Ramandjarri, Gladys Womati Malibirr, Peter Djigirr, Margaret Dalparri, Dale Djanbadi, Roseann Malibirr, Mark Malibirr, Evonne Munuygu, Solomon O’Ryan, Florence Biridjala, Paul Bunbuyŋu, Neville Gulaygulay, Jonathan Yalandhu, Margaret Guwankil, Caleb Campion, Benjamin Campion, David Bidingal, Peter Guyula, Sammy Guyula, Michelle Guyula, Erica Ngurrwuthun, Helen Truscott, Yaakov Bar-Lev, Katie Degnian, Emma Ignjic, Beau J. Austin, Simon West and Gawura Waṉambi
Ecological Management and Restoration, September 2023

Baiting in conservation and pest management: A systematic review of its global applications in a changing world
Patrick L. Taggart, Pip Taylor, Kandarp K. Patel, Daniel W.A. Noble

Recombinant luteinizing hormone as a tool towards understanding the reproductive dysfunction in captive Macquarie perch Macquaria
Josephine Nocillado, Dean Gilligan, Stewart Fielder, Lachlan P Dennis, Tianfang Wang, Tomer Ventura and Abigail Elizur
Endangered Species Research, August 2023.

Evaluating and optimising performance of multi-species call recognisers for ecoacoustic restoration monitoring
Linke, Simon; Teixeira, Daniella; Turlington, Katie 
Ecology and Evolution, August 2023.

Bidirectional fabric evolution in Hamelin Pool microbialites, Shark Bay, Western Australia 
Vitek, Brooke E.; Suosaari, Erica P.; Oehlert, Amanda M.; Dupraz, Christophe; Pollier, Clement G. L.; et al. 
The Depositional Record, July 2023. 

Remote sensing for monitoring rangeland condition: Current status and development of methods
Angus Retallack, Graeme Finlayson, Bertram Ostendorf, Kenneth Clarke, Megan Lewis

Priorities for embedding ecological integrity in climate adaptation policy and practice
Paul R. Elsen, Lauren E. Oakes, Molly S. Cross , Alfred DeGemmis, James E.M. Watson, Hilary A. Cooke, Emily S. Darling, Kendall R. Jones, Heidi E. Kretser, Martin Mendez, Gautam Surya, Elizabeth Tully, Hedley S. Grantham
ONE EARTH, June 2023. 

Birds on the edge: Spatial and temporal patterns in the bird community recorded at a conservation reserve on a bioregion woodland−grassland boundary in central Queensland
Alex S. Kutt and Pippa L. Kern

Establishing effective conservation management strategies for a poorly known endangered species: a case study using Australia’s Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis)
Nicholas P. Leseberg, Alex Kutt, Megan C. Evans, Tida Nou, Scott Spillias, Zoe Stone, Jessica C. Walsh, Stephen A. Murphy, Mike Bamford, Allan H. Burbidge, Kate Crossing, Robert A. Davis, Stephen T. Garnett, Rodney P. Kavanagh, Robert Murphy, John Read, Julian Reid, Stephen van Leeuwen, Alexander W. T. Watson, James E. M. Watson & Martine Maron

Multi-decadal trends in large-bodied fish populations in the New South Wales Murray-Darling Basin, Australia
D. A. Crook, H. T. Schilling, D. M. Gilligan, M. Asmus, C. A. Boys , G. L. Butler, L. M. Cameron, D. Hohnberg, L. E. Michie, N. G. Miles, T. S. Rayner, W. A. Robinson, M. L. Rourke, J. R. Stocks , J. D. Thiem , A. Townsend, D. E. van der Meulen , I. Wooden and K. J. M. Cheshire

Processes underpinning natural capital account compilation highlight the potential for low-input grazing to mitigate farm carbon emissions while also improving biodiversity outcomes
Rachel Lawrence, Sue Ogilvy, Danny O’Brien, Mark Gardner and Sue McIntyre

Population genetic structure associated with a landscape barrier in the Western Grasswren (Amytornis textilis textilis)
Aline Gibson Vega, Michelle L. Hall, Amanda Ridley, Saul J. Cowen, Amy L. Slender, Allan H. Burbidge, Marina Louter, W. Jason Kennington
IBIS, May 2023.

Integrated systematic planning and adaptive stakeholder process support a 10-fold increase in South Africa's Marine Protected Area estate
Kerry Jennifer Sink, Amanda Talita Lombard, Colin Graham Attwood, Tamsyn-Claire Livingstone, Hedley Grantham, Stephen Dale Holness

Effects of variation in natural and artificial light at night on acoustic communication: a review and prospectus
Ashton L. Dickerson a, Michelle L. Hall a b c, Therésa M. Jones a

Untangling two complementary camera trapping data sets to identify patterns in feral cat activity around a known night parrot population in western Queensland
Kutt, Alex S.; Kearney, Stephen G.; McGregor, Hugh; Venables, William N.; Murphy, Stephen A. 

A bolder conservation future for Indonesia by prioritising biodiversity, carbon and unique ecosystems in Sulawesi
Wulan Pusparini, Andi Cahyana, Hedley S Grantham, Sean Maxwell, Carolina Soto-Navarro, David W Macdonald

Rapid and recent range collapse of Australia’s Red Goshawk Erythrotriorchis radiatus
MacColl, Christopher; Leseberg, Nicholas P.; Seaton, Richard; Murphy, Stephen A.; Watson, James E. M.

Immediate and longer tem responses of NGO's to the 2019-2020 wildfires
Allard, Caddy, Duffy, Fallow, Groffen, Grover, Hodgens, Joseph, Lau, Leo, Lowry, Mulder, Spindler, Legge
AUSTRALIA'S MEGAFIRES: Biodiversity Impacts and Lessons from 2019-2020 (eds Rumpff, Legge, Van Leeuwen, Wintle Woinarski), February 2023.

Canopy Composition and Spatial Configuration Influences Beta Diversity in Temperate Regrowth Forests of Southeastern Australia
Anu Singh, Benjamin Wagner, Sabine Kasel, Patrick J Baker, Craig R. Nitschke
DRONES, February 2023.

Empowering indigenous leadership and participation in wildife recovery, cultural burning and land management
Robinson, Costello, Lockwood, Pert and Garnett
AUSTRALIA'S MEGAFIRES: Biodiversity Impacts and Lessons from 2019-2020 (eds Rumpff, Legge, Van Leeuwen, Wintle Woinarski), February 2023.

Male-specific nocturnal song functions similarly to day song in a diurnal bird species
Dickerson, Ashton L.; Jones, Theresa M.; Moore, Kaya B.; Hall, Michelle L.
ETHOLOGY, February 2023.


Herbivores’ Impacts Cascade Through the Brown Food Web in a Dryland
BJ Wijas, G Finlayson, M Letnic
ECOSYSTEMS, December 2022.

Offline Imagery Checks for Remote Drone Usage
RJ Francis, KJ Brandis, JA McCann
DRONES, December 2022.

Global drivers of change across tropical savannah ecosystems and insights into their management and conservation
BA Williams, JEM Watson, HL Beyer, HS Grantham, JS Simmonds, SJ Alvarez, O Venter, BBN Strassburg, RK Runting

Forest conservation: Importance of Indigenous lands
HS Grantham

Using deep learning to detect an indicator arid shrub in ultra-high-resolution UAV imagery
A Retallack, G Finlayson, B Ostendorf, M Lewis

Pyric Herbivory and the Nexus Between Forage, Fire and Native and Introduced Large Grazing Herbivores in Australian Tropical Savannas 
AM Reid, BP Murphy, T Vigilante, Wunumbal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, DMJS Bowman
ECOSYSTEMS, November 2022.

A decade of coral biobanking science in Australia - transitioning into applied reef restoration
RJ Hobbs, JK O'Brien, LK Bay, A Severati, R Spindler, EM Henley, KM Quigley, CJ Randall, MJH van Oppen, V Carter, N Zuchowicz, M Hagedorn, J Daly

Initial Accretion in Hamelin Pool Microbialites: The Role of Entophysalis in Precipitation of Microbial Micrite
BE Vitek, EP Suosaari, AM Oehlert, R Pamela Reid

Abiotic and biotic responses to woody debris additions in restored old fields in a multi-site Before-After-Control-Impact experiment
Parkhurst, Tina; Prober, Suzanne M.; Farrell, Mark; Standish, Rachel J.

The microbial carbonate factory of Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay, Western Australia
EP Suosaari, RP Reid, C Mercadier, BE Vitek, AM Oehlert, JF Stolz, PE Giusfredi, GP Eberli

Urban noise does not affect cognitive performance in wild Australian magpies
F Connelly, ML Hall, RB Johnsson, S Elliot-Kerra, BR Dowa, JA Leskub, RA Mulder

Recognizing culturally significant species and Indigenous-led management is key to meeting international biodiversity obligations
T Goolmeer, A Skroblin, C Grant, S van Leeuwen, R Archer, C Gore-Birch, BA Wintle

Measuring plant biomass remotely using drones in arid landscapes
McCann, Justin A.; Keith, David A.; Kingsford, Richard T
ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, May 2022.

Response: Where Might We Find Ecologically Intact Communities?
HS Grantham, T Evans, S Lieberman, JG Robinson, PR Elsen, S Ferrier, SG Kearney, G Maurer, G Surya, RE Spindler, B Stasak, J Trezise, JEM Watson

Fledge or fail: Nest monitoring of endangered black-cockatoos using bioacoustics and open-source call recognition
Daniella Teixeira, Simon Linke, Richard Hill, Martine Maron, Berndt J. van Rensburg

P is for persistence: Soil phosphorus remains elevated for more than a decade after old field restoration
Tina Parkhurst, Rachel J. Standish,Suzanne M. Prober

Untangling two complementary camera trapping data sets to identify patterns in feral cat activity around a known night parrot population in western Queensland
Alex S. Kutt A B * , Stephen G. Kearney C , Hugh McGregor B D , William N. Venables E and Stephen A. Murphy

Saving species beyond the protected area fence: Threats must be managed across multiple land tenure types to secure Australia's endangered species
Stephen G. Kearney, Josie Carwardine, April E. Reside,Vanessa M. Adams, Rebecca Nelson, Anthea Coggan, Rebecca Spindler, James E. M. Watson

Dynamics and predicted distribution of an irrupting ‘sleeper’ population: fallow deer in Tasmania
Calum X. Cunningham, George L. W. Perry, David M. J. S. Bowman, David M. Forsyth, Michael M. Driessen, Matt Appleby, Barry W. Brook, Greg Hocking, Jessie C. Buettel, Ben J. French, Rowena Hamer, Sally L. Bryant, Matt Taylor, Riana Gardiner, Kirstin Proft, Vincent P. Scoleri, Antje Chiu-Werner, Toby Travers, Liam Thompson, Tom Guy & Christopher N. Johnson 

A call to recognise and grow the Indigenous-led stewardship of Country
Cissy Gore-Birch, Oliver Costello, Teagan Goolmeer, Bradley Moggridge, Stephen van Leeuwen

Yarning up with Oliver Costello – An interview about Indigenous biocultural knowledges 
Oliver Costello, Liz Cameron


Sex role similarity and sexual selection predict male and female song elaboration and dimorphism in fairy-wrens 
Odom, Karan J.; Cain, Kristal E.; Hall, Michelle L.; Langmore, Naomi E.; Mulder, Raoul A.; et al.

Global meta-analysis reveals incomplete recovery of soil conditions and invertebrate assemblages after ecological restoration in agricultural landscapes
Parkhurst, Tina; Prober, Suzanne M.; Hobbs, Richard J.; Standish, Rachel J.

Male and female Australian magpie-larks respond differently to variation in song frequency (pitch)
Dickerson, Ashton L.; Rowland, Jessica A.; Trama, Asher J. E.; Wraith-Franck, Daniel M.; Hall, Michelle L.
ETHOLOGY, December 2021.

Accounting for both automated recording unit detection space and signal recognition performance in acoustic surveys: A protocol applied to the cryptic and critically endangered Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis)
Leseberg, Nicholas P.; Venables, William N.; Murphy, Stephen A.; Jackett, Nigel A.; Watson, James E. M.
AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, December 2021

Tasmanian Midlands: A case study of increasing sophistication in conservation planning and action over four decades
Gilfedder, L (Gilfedder, Louise) 1, 2Appleby, MW (Appleby, Matt W.) 3Lechner, AM (Lechner, Alex M.) 4Sprod, D (Sprod, Daniel) 5, 6Carter, O (Carter, Oberon) 7Burgess, S (Burgess, Sebastian) 8Davidson, NJ (Davidson, Neil J.) 8, 9, 10Harris, R (Harris, Rowan)

The effect of natural and artificial light at night on nocturnal song in the diurnal willie wagtail
Ashton L. Dickerson, Michelle L. Hall, Therésa M. Jones

Old-field restoration improves habitat for ants in a semi-arid landscape 
Parkhurst, Tina; Standish, Rachel J.; Andersen, Alan N.; Prober, Suzanne M.

Kangaroo management in the South Australian rangelands: Impacts and challenges for conservation management
Finlayson, Graeme; Tschirner, Kurt; McCann, Justin; Appleby, Matt 

Recovery of woody but not herbaceous native flora 10 years post old-field restoration
Tina Parkhurst, Suzanne M. Prober, Rachel J. Standish

Establishing a climate-ready revegetation trial in central Victoria – A case study
McDonald, Garrick; Appleby, Matthew W.; Sime, Hayley; Radford, Julie; Hoffmann, Ary A.

Experimentally testing the response of feral cats and their prey to poison baiting
Tim S Doherty; Michelle L. Hall; Ben Parkhurst; Vanessa Westcott

Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts
Nancy Shackelford, Gustavo B. Paterno, Daniel E. Winkler, Todd E. Erickson, Elizabeth A. Leger, Lauren N. Svejcar, Martin F. Breed, Akasha M. Faist, Peter A. Harrison, Michael F. Curran, Qinfeng Guo, Anita Kirmer, Darin J. Law, Kevin Z. Mganga, Seth M. Munson, Lauren M. Porensky, R. Emiliano Quiroga, Péter Török, Claire E. Wainwright, Ali Abdullahi, Matt A. Bahm, Elizabeth A. Ballenger, Nichole Barger, Owen W. Baughman, Carina Becker, Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja, Chad S. Boyd, Carla M. Burton, Philip J. Burton, Eman Calleja, Peter J. Carrick, Alex Caruana, Charlie D. Clements, Kirk W. Davies, Balázs Deák, Jessica Drake, Sandra Dullau, Joshua Eldridge, Erin Espeland, Hannah L. Farrell, Stephen E. Fick, Magda Garbowski, Enrique G. de la Riva, Peter J. Golos, Penelope A. Grey, Barry Heydenrych, Patricia M. Holmes, Jeremy J. James, Jayne Jonas-Bratten, Réka Kiss, Andrea T. Kramer, Julie E. Larson, Juan Lorite, C. Ellery Mayence, Luis Merino-Martín, Tamás Miglécz, Suanne Jane Milton, Thomas A. Monaco, Arlee M. Montalvo, Jose A. Navarro-Cano, Mark W. Paschke, Pablo Luis Peri, Monica L. Pokorny, Matthew J. Rinella, Nelmarie Saayman, Merilynn C. Schantz, Tina Parkhurst, Eric W. Seabloom, Katharine L. Stuble, Shauna M. Uselman, Orsolya Valkó, Kari Veblen, Scott Wilson, Megan Wong, Zhiwei Xu & Katharine L. Suding

Effects on the embryonic and larval development of cane toads (Rhinella marina) reared in alkaline artesian spring water 
Lundsgaard, NU; Cramp, RL; Franklin, CE.; Kern, PL.

The diet of dingoes, feral cats and eastern barn owl on Pullen Pullen Reserve, southwest Queensland
Stephen G. Kearney, Pippa L. Kern, Stephen A. Murphy, Heather Janetzki and Alex S. Kutt

Using anecdotal reports to clarify the distribution and status of a near mythical species: Australia's Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis)
Nicholas P. Leseberg, Ian A. W. McAllan, Stephen A Murphy, Allan H. Burbidge, Leo Joseph, Shane A. Parker, Nigel A. Jackett, Richard A Fuller, James E. M. Watson 

Carcasses attract invasive species and increase artificial nest predation in a desert environment
Emma E.Spencer, Chris R.Dickman, AaronGreenville, Mathew S.Crowther, AlexKuttb, Thomas M.Newsome 

Female and male plumage color is linked to parental quality, pairing, and extrapair mating in a tropical passerine
Ana, V Leitao, Michelle L Hall, Raoul A Mulder

Birds of Edgbaston Reserve, central-western Queensland, including notes on significant and threatened species
PL Kern & AS Kutt, 
AUSTRALIAN FIELD ORNITHOLOGY 2021, 38, 66–77, May 2021.

Adaptive Management of Malkumba-Coongie Lakes Ramsar Site in Arid Australia—A Free Flowing River and Wetland System
Richard T. Kingsford, Craig A. McLoughlin, Robert Brandle, Gilad Bino, Bernie Cockayne, David Schmarr, Travis Gotch, Vol Norris, Justin McCann

Impact Indicators for Biodiversity Conservation Research: Measuring Influence within and beyond Academia
TH Lavery, R Morgain, J Fitzsimons, J Fluin, NA Macgregor, N Robinson, BC Scheele, K Selwood, R Spindler, H Vuong, S West, B Wintle, D Lindenmayer

Urban noise restricts, fragments, and lightens sleep in Australian magpies
Connelly F, Johnsson RD, Aulsebrook AE, Mulder RA, Hall, ML, Vyssotski AL, Leskub JA

More than just Night Parrots: A baseline bird survey of Pullen Pullen Reserve, south-western  Queensland
Kutt AS, Kearney SG. Kern PL

Field studies of a high elevation population of northern Greater glider Petauroides volans minor in the Bluff State Forest, Far North Queensland 
C.R. Starr, A, R.T. Hughes, A, M.S. Hemmings, A, J.F. Coase, A, & M. D. Jess.

Carbon isotope analysis shows introduced bovines have broader dietary range than the largest native herbivores in an Australian tropical savanna
Angela M. Reid, Brett P. Murphy, Tom Vigilante, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, Linda A. Barry, David M.J.S. Bowman.

Consequences of the reintroduction of regionally extinct mammals for vegetation composition and  structure at two established reintroduction sites in semi-arid Australia
JE Kemp, R Jensen, ML Hall, DA Roshier, J Kanowski
AUSTRAL ECOLOGY, February 2021


The effect of variation in moonlight on nocturnal song of a diurnal bird species
Dickerson, Ashton L.; Hall, Michelle L.; Jones, Theresa M. 

Integrating feral cat (Felis catus) control into landscape-scale introduced predator management to improve conservation prospects for threatened fauna: a case study from the south coast of Western Australia
Comer S, Clausen L, Cowen S, Pinder J, Thomas A, Burbidge AH, Tiller C, Algar D, Speldewinde P
WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 47(8) 762-778, October 2020.

White and Amber Light at Night Disrupt Sleep Physiology in Birds 
Aulsebrook, Anne E.; Connelly, Farley; Johnsson, Robin D.; Jones, Theresa M.; Mulder, Raoul A.; et al.
CURRENT BIOLOGY, October 2020.

Small mammal diversity is higher in infrequently compared with frequently burnt rainforest–savanna mosaics in the north Kimberley, Australia
Ondei S, Prior LD, McGregor HW, Reid AM, Johnson CN, Vigilante T, Goonack C, Williams D and Bowman DMJS

A baseline terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey of Pullen Pullen; a significant conservation reserve in south-west Queensland
Kearney S, Kern P, Kutt A

Grazing by over-abundant native herbivores jeopardizes conservation goals in semi-arid reserves
Charlotte H. Mills, Helen Waudby, Graeme Finlayson, David Parker, Matthew Cameron and Mike Letnica
Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 24, December 2020 

Healthy People in a Healthy Environment: Key Directions Statement. Australian Committee for IUCN, Sydney
Camp, E., Spencer-Smith, T., Chapple, R., Eccles, S., Spindler, R. and Varcoe, T.
ACIUCN, July 2020

Prescribed burning benefits threatened mammals in northern Australia
Radford, Ian J., Woolley, LA , Corey, B, Vigilante, T, Corporation, WGA, Hatherley, E, Fairman, R , Carnes, K, Start, AN

Distribution and abundance of large herbivores in a northern Australian tropical savanna: A multi‐scale approach
Angela M. Reid, Brett P. Murphy, Tom Vigilante, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, David M. J. S. Bowman

Big trouble for little fish: identifying Australian freshwater fishes in imminent risk of extinction
Mark Lintermans A,B,O, Hayley M. Geyle C, Stephen Beatty D, Culum BrownE, Brendan C. Ebner B,F, Rob FreemanB,G, Michael P. HammerB,H, William F. Humphreys, Mark J. Kennard, Pippa Kern, Keith Martin, David L. Morgan, Tarmo A. Raadik, Peter J. Unmack, Rob Wager, John C. Z. Woinarski and Stephen T. Garnett
Pacific Conservation Biology; July 2020

Persistence of the broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus) across Victoria is correlated with climate and elevation
Shipway, S; Rowe, KMC; Rowe, KC
WILDLIFE RESEARCH. 47(3): 267-278, July 2020

Native and exotic nest predators of Alwal (Goldenshouldered parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius) on Olkola Country, Cape York Peninsula, Australia
Teghan D. Collingwood, James E. M. Watson, Stephen Kearney, Allana Brown, Ashaley Ross, Glen Kulka, Hamish Kulka, Karla Kulka, Francis Royee, Brendan Ross, Terry Mahney, Katy Huett & Alex S. Kutt
EMU – AUSTRAL ORNITHOLOGY, Vol 120 2020, Issue 2. June 2020

Environmental Factors Influencing Hairy‐Nosed Wombat Abundance in Semi‐Arid Rangelands
Taggart D., Finlayson G., Sparrow E., Dibben R., Dibben J., Campbell E., Peacock D., Ostendorf B., White C. and Temple‐Smith P.
THE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21858, June 2020.

Rapid plastic breeding response to rain matches peak prey abundance in a tropical savanna bird
Aranzamendi N., Hall M., Kingma S., van de Pol M. and Peters A.
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 88, 1799-1811, 2020.

Global meta-analysis reveals incomplete recovery of soil conditions and invertebrate assemblages after ecological restoration in agricultural landscapes
Parkhurst, Tina; Prober, Suzanne M.; Hobbs, Richard J.; Standish, Rachel J. 


A superb solo, or a deviant duet? Overlapping songs in superb fairy-wrens
Taylor C., Hall M., Cain K. and Langmore N.         
BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY 30, 1076-1086, 2019

Experimental increase in eviction load does not impose a growth cost for cuckoo chicks
Medina I., Hall M., Taylor C., Mulder R. and Langmore N. 

Persistent low avian malaria in a tropical species despite high community prevalence
Eastwood J., Peacock L., Hall M., Roast M., Murphy S., Goncalves da Silva A. and Peters A.

Female and male plumage colour signals aggression in a dichromatic tropical songbird
Leitao A., Hall M., Delhey K. and Mulder R
ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR 150, 285-301, 2019

New insights from female bird song: towards an integrated approach to studying male and female communication roles
Riebel K., Odom K., Langmore N. and Hall M.

Conspicuous Plumage Does Not Increase Predation Risk: A Continent-Wide Test Using Model Songbirds
Cain K., Hall M., Medina I, Leitao A., Delhey K., Brouwer L., Peters A, Pruett-Jones S., Webster M., Langmore N. and Mulder R.
AMERICAN NATURALIST 193, 359-372, 2019

Early-life telomere length predicts lifespan and lifetime reproductive success in a wild bird
Eastwood J., Hall M., Teunissen N., Kingma S., Aranzamendi N., Fan M., Roast M., Verhulst S. and Peters A.
MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 28; 1127-1137, 2019

Ecology and breeding biology of a tropical bird, the Lovely Fairy-Wren (Malurus amabilis)
Leitao A., Hall M., Venables B. and Mulder R.
EMU-AUSTRAL ORNITHOLOGY 119; 1 to 13, 2019

Conserving the endangered Black-throated Finch southern subspecies: what do we need to know?
Laguna J., Reside A., Kutt A., Grice A., Buosi P., Vanderduys E., Taylor M. and Schwarzkopf L.
EMU-AUSTRAL ORNITHOLOGY 119; 331-345, 2019

Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation
Reside A., Briscoe N., Dickman C., Greenville A., Hradsky B., Kark S., Kearney M.; Kutt A.; Nimmo D., Pavey C., Read J., Ritchie E., Roshier D., Skroblin A., Stone Z., West M. and O Fisher D.

Systematic definition of threatened fauna communities is critical to their conservation
Hannah Fraser, Jeremy S Simmonds, Alex S Kutt, Martine Maron

Monitoring large and complex wildlife aggregations with drones
Mitchell B Lyons, Kate J Brandis, Nicholas J Murray, John H Wilshire, Justin A McCann, Richard T Kingsford, Corey T Callaghan

Cryopreservation as a Tool for Reef Restoration: 2019
Mary Hagedorn, Rebecca Spinder, Jonathan Daly

Carbon isotope analysis shows introduced bovines have broader dietary range than the largest native herbivores in an Australian tropical savanna
Angela M Reid,  Brett P Murphy, Tom Vigilante, Linda A Barry, David MJS Bowman
AUSTRAL ECOLOGY 45; 109-121, 2019.

Distribution and abundance of large herbivores in a northern Australian tropical savanna: A multi‐scale approach
Angela M. Reid, Brett P. Murphy, Tom Vigilante, Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation, David M. J. S. Bowman            

Systematic definition of threatened fauna communities is critical to their conservation
Fraser, H., Simmonds, J. S., Kutt, A. S. and Maron, M.
DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS 25(3): p. 462-477. 2019.

Genomic population structure aligns with vocal dialects in Palm Cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus); evidence for refugial late-Quaternary distribution?
Miles V. Keighley, Robert Heinsohn, Naomi E. Langmore,Stephen A. Murphy &Joshua V. Peñalba
EMU-AUSTRAL ORNITHOLOGY, 2019. 119(1): p. 24-37.

Genetic diversity and structure of the threatened striped legless lizard, Delma impar: management implications for the species and a translocated population.
Murphy, C., Burnett, S., Conroy, G. C., Howland, B. W. A., Lamont, R. W., Sumner, J. and Ogbourne, S. M.
CONSERVATION GENETICS, 2019. 20(2): p. 245-257.

Systematic planning can rapidly close the protection gap in Australian mammal havens.
Ringma, J., Legge, S., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Radford, J. Q., Wintle, B., Bentley, J., Burbidge, A. A., Copley, P., Dexter, N., Dickman, C. R., Gillespie, G. R., Hill, B., Johnson, C. N., Kanowski, J., Letnic, M., Manning, A., Menkhorst, P., Mitchell, N., Morris, K., Moseby, K., Page, M., Palmer, R. and Bode, M.
CONSERVATION LETTERS 2019. 12(1): p. 8.

Reversing the effects of evolutionary prey naivete through controlled predator exposure.
Ross, A. K., Letnic, M., Blumstein, D. T. and Moseby, K. E.
JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 2019. 56(7): p. 1761-1769.

Stromatolite provinces of Hamelin Pool: Physiographic controls on Stromatolites and associated lithofacies
Suosaari, E. P., Reid, R. P., Oehlert, A. M., Playford, P. E., Steffensen, C. K., Andres, M. S., Suosaari, G. V., Milano, G. R. and Eberli, G. P.
JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH 2019. 89(3): p. 207-226.

Southern hairy-nosed wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons) in the Gawler Ranges region of South Australia: population growth from 1988 to 2016.
Swinbourne, M., Taggart, D., Swinbourne, A. and Ostendorf, B.
AUSTRALIAN MAMMALOGY, 2019. 41(1): p. 112-122.


Habitat amount and quality, not patch size, determine persistence of a woodland-dependent mammal in an agricultural landscape
Gardiner, R., Bain, G., Hamer, R., Jones, M. E. and Johnson, C. N.
LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 2018. 33(11): p. 1837-1849.

Standardized reporting of the costs of management interventions for biodiversity conservation
Iacona, G. D., Sutherland, W. J., Mappin, B., Adams, V. M., Armsworth, P. R., Coleshaw, T., Cook, C., Craigie, I., Dicks, L. V., Fitzsimons, J. A., McGowan, J., Plumptre, A. J., Polak, T., Pullin, A. S., Ringma, J., Rushworth, I., Santangeli, A., Stewart, A., Tulloch, A., Walsh, J. C. and Possingham, H. P.
CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 2018. 32(5): p. 979-988.

Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators
Legge, S., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Burbidge, A. A., Palmer, R., Ringma, J., Radford, J. Q., Mitchell, N., Bode, M., Wintle, B., Baseler, M., Bentley, J., Copley, P., Dexter, N., Dickman, C. R., Gillespie, G. R., Hill, B., Johnson, C. N., Latch, P., Letnic, M., Manning, A., McCreless, E. E., Menkhorst, P., Morris, K., Moseby, K., Page, M., Pannell, D. and Tuft, K. 
WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 2018. 45(7): p. 627-644.

Quantifying current and potential contributions of Australian indigenous peoples to threatened species management
Leiper, I., Zander, K. K., Robinson, C. J., Carwadine, J., Moggridge, B. J. and Garnett, S. T.
CONSERVATION BIOLOGY, 2018. 32(5): p. 1038-1047.

Strength of a Trophic Cascade Between an Apex Predator, Mammalian Herbivore and Grasses in a Desert Ecosystem Does Not Vary with Temporal Fluctuations in Primary Productivity
Letnic, M., Feit, A. and Forsyth, D. M.
ECOSYSTEMS, 2018. 21(1): p. 153-165.

Estimation of aboveground herbaceous biomass using visually ranked digital photographs
Morgan, H. R., Reid, N. and Hunter, J. T.
RANGELAND JOURNAL, 2018. 40(1): p. 9-18.

Understanding and managing the threats to Night Parrots in south-western Queensland
Murphy, S. A., Paltridge, R., Silcock, J., Murphy, R., Kutt, A. S. and Read, J.   
EMU, 2018. 118(1): p. 135-145.

Making the connection: expanding the role of restoration genetics in restoring and evaluating connectivity
Proft, K. M., Jones, M. E., Johnson, C. N. and Burridge, C. P.
RESTORATION ECOLOGY, 2018. 26(3): p. 411-418.

Degrees of population-level susceptibility of Australian terrestrial non-volant mammal species to predation by the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cat (Felis catus)
Radford, J. Q., Woinarski, J. C. Z., Legge, S., Baseler, M., Bentley, J., Burbidge, A. A., Bode, M., Copley, P., Dexter, N., Dickman, C. R., Gillespie, G., Hill, B., Johnson, C. N., Kanowski, J., Latch, P., Letnic, M., Manning, A., Menkhorst, P., Mitchell, N., Morris, K., Moseby, K., Page, M. and Ringma, J. 
WILDLIFE RESEARCH, 2018. 45(7): p. 645-657.

An exotic woody weed in a pastoral landscape provides habitat for many native species, but has no apparent threatened species conservation significance
Ranyard, C. E., Kirkpatrick, J. B., Johnson, C. N., Barmuta, L. A. and Jones, M. E.

How to ensure threatened species monitoring leads to threatened species conservation
Robinson, N. M., Scheele, B. C., Legge, S., Southwell, D. M., Carter, O., Lintermans, M., Radford, J. Q., Skroblin, A., Dickman, C. R., Koleck, J., Wayne, A. F., Kanowski, J., Gillespie, G. R. and Lindenmayer, D. B.

A decision tree for assessing the risks and benefits of publishing biodiversity data
Tulloch, A. I. T., Auerbach, N., Avery-Gomm, S., Bayraktarov, E., Butt, N., Dickman, C. R., Ehmke, G., Fisher, D. O., Grantham, H., Holden, M. H., Lavery, T. H., Leseberg, N. P., Nicholls, M., O'Connor, J., Roberson, L., Smyth, A. K., Stone, Z., Tulloch, V., Turak, E., Wardle, G. M. and Watson, J. E. M. 
NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2018. 2(8): p. 1209-1217.


Detecting microrefugia in semi-arid landscapes from remotely sensed vegetation dynamics
Andrew, M. E. and Warrener, H.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2017. 200: p. 114-124.

The Uunguu Monitoring and Evaluation Committee: Intercultural Governance of a Land and Sea Management Programme in the Kimberley, Australia
Austin, B. J., Vigilante, T., Cowell, S., Dutton, I. M., Djanghara, D., Mangolomara, S., Puermora, B., Bundamurra, A. and Clement, Z.
Ecological Management & Restoration, 2017. 18(2): p. 124-133.

The Unexpected depths of genome-skimming data: a case study examining goodeniaceae floral symmetry genes 
Berger, B. A., Han, J. H., Sessa, E. B., Gardner, A. G., Shepherd, K. A., Ricigliano, V. A., Ily, R. S. J. and Howarth, D. G.
Applications in Plant Sciences, 2017. 5(10): p. 10.

Capitalising on conservation knowledge: Using Conservation Action Planning, Healthy Country Planning and the Open Standards in Australia
Carr, B., Fitzsimons, J., Holland, N., Berkinshaw, T., Bradby, K., Cowell, S., Deegan, P., Koch, P., Looker, M., Varcoe, T., Walsh, P. and Weisenberger, F.
Ecological Management & Restoration, 2017. 18(3): p. 176-189.

Ecosystem Responses to Fire: Identifying Cross-taxa Contrasts and Complementarities to Inform Management Strategies
Doherty, T. S., van Etten, E. J. B., Davis, R. A., Knuckey, C., Radford, J. Q. and Dalgleish, S. A.
Ecosystems, 2017. 20(5): p. 872-884.

Going, going, gone? Loss of genetic diversity in two critically endangered Australian freshwater fishes, Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis and Chlamydogobius squamigenus, from Great Artesian Basin springs at Edgbaston, Queensland, Australia
Faulks, L. K., Kerezsy, A., Unmack, P. J., Johnson, J. B. and Hughes, J. M.
Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2017. 27(1): p. 39-50.

Observations on breeding Night Parrots (Pezoporus occidentalis) in western Queensland
Murphy, S. A., Austin, J. J., Murphy, R. K., Silcock, J., Joseph, L., Garnett, S. T., Leseberg, N. P., Watson, J. E. M. and Burbidge, A. H.
Emu, 2017. 117(2): p. 107-113.

Movements and habitat use of the night parrot Pezoporus occidentalis in south-western Queensland
Murphy, S. A., Silcock, J., Murphy, R., Reid, J. and Austin, J. J.
Austral Ecology, 2017. 42(7): p. 858-868.

Short-term tracking of three red foxes in the Simpson Desert reveals large home-range sizes
Newsome, T. M., Spencer, E. E. and Dickman, C. R.
Australian Mammalogy, 2017. 39(2): p. 238-242.

Fire and cattle disturbance affects vegetation structure and rain forest expansion into savanna in the Australian monsoon tropics
Ondei, S., Prior, L. D., Vigilante, T. and Bowman, Dmjs
Journal of Biogeography, 2017. 44(10): p. 2331-2342.

Water, land, fire, and forest: Multi-scale determinants of rainforests in the Australian monsoon tropics
Ondei, S., Prior, L. D., Williamson, G. J., Vigilante, T. and Bowman, Dmjs
Ecology and Evolution, 2017. 7(5): p. 1592-1604.

Exploring relationships between native vertebrate biodiversity and grazing land condition
Parsons, S. A., Kutt, A., Vanderduys, E. P., Perry, J. J. and Schwarzkopf, L.
Rangeland Journal, 2017. 39(1): p. 25-37.

Spatiotemporal variance of environmental conditions in Australian artesian springs affects the distribution and abundance of six endemic snail species
Rossini, R. A., Fensham, R. J. and Walter, G. H.
Aquatic Ecology, 2017. 51(4): p. 511-529.

Can environmental tolerances explain convergent patterns of distribution in endemic spring snails from opposite sides of the Australian arid zone?
Rossini, R. A., Tibbetts, H. L., Fensham, R. J. and Walter, G. H.
Aquatic Ecology, 2017. 51(4): p. 605-624.


Does the response of bird assemblages to fire mosaic properties vary among spatial scales and foraging guilds?
Burgess, E. E. and Maron, M.
Landscape Ecology, 2016. 31(3): p. 687-699.

Conserving long unburnt vegetation is important for bird species, guilds and diversity
Davis, R. A., Doherty, T. S., van Etten, E. J. B., Radford, J. Q., Holmes, F., Knuckey, C. and Davis, B. J. 
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2016. 25(13): p. 2709-2722.

Cattle removal in arid Australia benefits kangaroos in high quality habitat but does not affect camels
Frank, A. S. K., Wardle, G. M., Greenville, A. C. and Dickman, C. R.
Rangeland Journal, 2016. 38(1): p. 73-84.

Utilizing next-generation sequencing to resolve the backbone of the Core Goodeniaceae and inform future taxonomic and floral form studies
Gardner, A. G., Sessa, E. B., Michener, P., Johnson, E., Shepherd, K. A., Howarth, D. G. and Jabaily, R. S.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016. 94: p. 605-617.

Spatial and temporal synchrony in reptile population dynamics in variable environments
Greenville, A. C., Wardle, G. M., Nguyen, V. and Dickman, C. R.
Oecologia, 2016. 182(2): p. 475-485.

Population dynamics of desert mammals: similarities and contrasts within a multispecies assemblage
Greenville, A. C., Wardle, G. M., Nguyen, V. and Dickman, C. R.
Ecosphere, 2016. 7(5): p. 19.

Birds of a feather flock together: Using trait-groups to understand the effect of macropod grazing on birds in grassy habitats
Howland, B. W. A., Stojanovic, D., Gordon, I. J., Radford, J., Manning, A. D. and Lindenmayer, D. B.
Biological Conservation, 2016. 194: p. 89-99.

The impact of private sanctuary networks on reintroduction programs
Innes, J., Burns, B., Sanders, A. and Hayward, M. W.
Advances in Reintroduction Biology of Australian and New Zealand Fauna, ed. D.P. Armstrong, et al. 2015, Clayton: Csiro Publishing. 185-199.

Identification of reliable predictors of golden sun moth Synemon plana habitat over multiple survey years can benefit conservation, restoration and surveys for new populations
Kutt, A. S., Dalton, K. and Wills, T. J.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 2016. 20(4): p. 691-699.

Long-term patterns of invertebrate abundance and relationships to environmental factors in arid Australia
Kwok, A. B. C., Wardle, G. M., Greenville, A. C. and Dickman, C. R.
Austral Ecology, 2016. 41(5): p. 480-491.

Post-fire resprouting strategies of rainforest and savanna saplings along the rainforest-savanna boundary in the Australian monsoon tropics
Ondei, S., Prior, L. D., Vigilante, T. and Bowman, Dmjs
Plant Ecology, 2016. 217(6): p. 711-724.

Determining optimal sampling strategies for monitoring threatened endemic macro-invertebrates in Australia's artesian springs
Rossini, R. A., Fensham, R. J. and Walter, G. H.
Marine and Freshwater Research, 2016. 67(5): p. 653-665.

Environmental pressures influencing living stromatolites in Hamelin Pook. Shark Bay, Western Australia
Suosaari, E. P., Reid, R. P., Araujo, T. A. A., Playford, P. E., Holley, D. K., McNamara, K. J. and Eberli, G. P.  
Palaios, 2016. 31(10): p. 483-496.

New multi-scale perspectives on the stromatolites of Shark Bay, Western Australia
Suosaari, E. P., Reid, R. P., Playford, P. E., Foster, J. S., Stolz, J. F., Casaburi, G., Hagan, P. D., Chirayath, V., Macintyre, I. G., Planavsky, N. J. and Eberli, G. P.
Scientific Reports, 2016. 6: p. 13.

Fire management strategies to maintain species population processes in a fragmented landscape of fire-interval extremes
Tulloch, A. I. T., Pichancourt, J. B., Gosper, C. R., Sanders, A. and Chades, I.
Ecological Applications, 2016. 26(7): p. 2175-2189.

The effect of targeted high-threat weed control on wet forest understorey vegetation in the Central Highlands region, Victoria
Wills, T. J. and Kutt, A. S.
Ecological Management & Restoration, 2016. 17(3): p. 250-253.


The influence of a variable fire regime on woodland structure and composition
Burgess, E. E., Moss, P., Haseler, M. and Maron, M.
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015. 24(1): p. 59-69.

Fuel dynamics and vegetation recovery after fire in a semiarid Australian shrubland
Dalgleish, S. A., van Etten, E. J. B., Stock, W. D. and Knuckey, C.
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015. 24(5): p. 613-623.

Dietary overlap between sympatric dingoes and feral cats at a semiarid rangeland site in Western Australia
Doherty, T. S.
Australian Mammalogy, 2015. 37(2): p. 219-224.

A game of cat-and-mouse: microhabitat influences rodent foraging in recently burnt but not long unburnt shrublands
Doherty, T. S., Davis, R. A. and van Etten, E. J. B.
Journal of Mammalogy, 2015. 96(2): p. 324-331.

A continental-scale analysis of feral cat diet in Australia
Doherty, T. S., Davis, R. A., van Etten, E. J. B., Algar, D., Collier, N., Dickman, C. R., Edwards, G., Masters, P., Palmer, R. and Robinson, S.
Journal of Biogeography, 2015. 42(5): p. 964-975.

Response of a shrubland mammal and reptile community to a history of landscape-scale wildfire
Doherty, T. S., Davis, R. A., van Etten, E. J. B., Collier, N. and Krawiec, J.
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015. 24(4): p. 534-543.

New species of Simona Moulds, 2012 and Chelapsalta Moulds, 2012 cicadas (Cicadidae: Cicadettinae: Cicadettini) from Australia: comparative morphology, songs, behaviour and distributions
Ewart, A., Popple, L. W. and Marshall, D. C.
Zootaxa, 2015. 4001(1): p. 1-65.

Biological, ecological, conservation and legal information for all species and subspecies of Australian bird
Garnett, S. T., Duursma, D. E., Ehmke, G., Guay, P. J., Stewart, A., Szabo, J. K., Weston, M. A., Bennett, S., Crowley, G. M., Drynan, D., Dutson, G., Fitzherbert, K. and Franklin, D. C.
Scientific Data, 2015. 2: p. 6.

Landscape properties mediate the homogenization of bird assemblages during climatic extremes
Haslem, A., Nimmo, D. G., Radford, J. Q. and Bennett, A. F.
Ecology, 2015. 96(12): p. 3165-3174.

Effects of long-term fire exclusion and frequent fire on plant community composition: A case study from semi-arid shrublands
Knuckey, C. G., Van Etten, E. J. B. and Doherty, T. S.
Austral Ecology, 2016. 41(8): p. 964-975.

A Landscape-Scale, Applied Fire Management Experiment Promotes Recovery of a Population of the Threatened Gouldian Finch, Erythrura gouldiae, in Australia's Tropical Savannas
Legge, S., Garnett, S., Maute, K., Heathcote, J., Murphy, S., Woinarski, J. C. Z. and Astheimer, L.
Plos One, 2015. 10(10): p. 27.

On the validity of visual cover estimates for time series analyses: a case study of hummock grasslands
Nguyen, V., Greenville, A. C., Dickman, C. R. and Wardle, G. M.
Plant Ecology, 2015. 216(7): p. 975-988.

Mismatch in the distribution of floral ecotypes and pollinators: insights into the evolution of sexually deceptive orchids
Phillips, R. D., Bohman, B., Anthony, J. M., Krauss, S. L., Dixon, K. W. and Peakall, R.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2015. 28(3): p. 601-612.